Waiting For You.(Himuro Tatsuya)

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-Thank you for requesting! It's angsty...so enjoy?-

"Mommy! I've been waiting for you! Are you finally here to stay with me?"

"I'm afraid not yet..my son."

"Why?! You're here right now aren't you? Why can't you just stay here with me? I'm so lonely."

"I can't leave him alone (Your Son's Name) and you know that."

"I really miss you..mommy. I miss being able to touch you and feel your kisses on my cheek. I want to be alive again..why was I taken away from you..mommy? I did nothing wrong."

"I don't know...(Your Son's Name)..I don't know."

  Himuro stirs from his own dreams as he feels your soft whimpers echo in the bedroom. He props his elbow up and peers into your face as he realises that you were having another one of your bad dreams. He sighs as he wipes away your tears silently before pulling you into his arms. He didn't want to wake you, when you were barely able to drift off into sleep the last night. He felt his heart clench in sadness as he thought about how unfair it was for you to get constant nightmares during those rare nights where you actually beat the insomnia that plagued your mind when the sun went down.

"(Your Son's Name)..." you murmur in your sleep as another wave of sobs hit your sleeping soul.

  Himuro's arms tighten around you as he too begins to feel tears coiling in his eyes. The mention of your deceased son brought back the pain and suffering both of you had to cope with. Sometimes, he wished that he could turn back time and stay young forever. He came into this world as still and cold as a winter's night. Tatsuya still remembered the words that stunned him in place...the scientific words that translated into the horrible reality that his son wasn't going to make it through the night. You both stayed by his side; allowing him to clutch on to his life with his small hands. In no doubt, there was still a shimmer of hope that you, as parents, held on to yourselves. Yet it was quickly dissembled by the long monotone of the heart monitor.

  Ever since that day, you suffered from the long-term effects of losing the most precious thing in your life. Day after day, night after night, it was the same cycle over and over again. Cry.Sleep. Repeat. Cry.Sleep.Repeat. You grew thinner by the day, and that worried Himuro to bits. He had tried to convince you to nourish your body, but as that effort fails, he even goes through the extremities to plead you to eat. Yet you were too far gone, at this point, not even your loved one could bring you back.

"I love you (Your Name). Please please... don't ever forget that."

  Your eyelids flutter as you wake up in the middle of the night. For the first time in a long time, you had slept through a dreamless slumber. Judging by the darkness, the world was still asleep around you. You don't hesitate as you lift yourself off the bed gently and carefully. You did not want to wake the already tired husband of the broken family. You drop a soft kiss to his cheek before tiptoeing out of the house. It was peacefully quiet outside, and you couldn't help but let your mind wander as the silence leads you further down the sidewalk. Something was guiding you towards a destination, and you were falling deeper and deeper into the traps of your own dark mind without any realisation.

    You find yourself looking across the large empty streets. The people that were patrolling the area give you a weird look before going on their way, and you pay them no attention either. Just as you were about to take a step forward, you hear a familiar voice calling out and spin around to see Himuro dashing towards you. His face looked panicked and frantic, yet so beautiful.  You couldn't stop your body's momentum now that you had already set one foot into the doors of death. The green light of the pedestrian sign blinks ominously, and the bright lights of the upcoming car blinds you almost immediately. You feel arms wrap around your body just before a bone crushing force comes crashing into the two of you.

"I can't believe (Your Name) and Tatsuya are gone..." Kagami's voice wavers slightly as he glances at the black and white picture of your face next to his best friend's.

"Me neither. It's like something straight out of a horror movie. First their son...then this." Kuroko replies softly; his voice thick from the previous crying.

"They have suffered enough already...they didn't deserve any of this." Kagami whispers again; tears streaming down his cheeks.

"They're all finally together now."


Dear Readers,

UGHHHH. I'm no satisfied with this oneshot. I think it was crappy af..I'm sorry if this oneshot isn't up to par with my usual quality. I don't know..I just don't like this one very much. Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed.



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