First Encounter.(Midorima Shintaro)

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-GUYS THIS IS IMPORTANT. YOU HAVE TO WATCH THE VIDEO OKAy?!?!! PROMISE ME YOU WILL. IT'S SO GOOD. IT PUMPS ME UP LIKE SO MUCH WTF. GOD. Thank that video because it motivated me to update again.-

You were (Your Desired Team Name ex.Seirin, Rakuzan, etc)'s number one shooter for the girls' basketball league. You held the title of each precise shot made and you would never ever miss a single shot. Everyone feared you and admired you at the exact same time. When it came to basketball, it was like you became a whole new different person. You weren't even human anymore, you were just a monster feeding on the sweet taste of merciless victory. You despised anyone that stood in your way, and desired to be the best of the best. Competitiveness fueled your life and you didn't intend to give your title up so easily.

It turns out that in the same district as you, there was a man rumored to be the number one shooting man of The Generation of Miracles. This legend's name was Midorima Shintaro. You had watched him in games yourself, and couldn't help but stand in awe at how much he excelled over you. You felt anger coarse through your veins as soon as you lay your eyes on him, but also a sense of deep solemn respect was ebbing through your consciousness. You couldn't help the automatic tugging of the muscles in your cheeks as you smiled. A small laugh would escape at the thought of competing against him, and you hoped that day would come soon.

It seems that the Gods were in your favor, because it wasn't long before you encountered him outside of his basketball life. You were at a public court in the middle of the night where you knew that no-one would be awake at this time. Therefore the court was usually eerily silent, just the way you liked it. As you practice your lay-ups and flawless and endless shots, you sense someone watching you and turn around to see someone standing a few feet away from you, watching you silently.

"Who are you?" You demand on high guard as you were scared he was up to no good, not that you would be able to outrun this athletic man, he had the advantage physically.

"Midorima. Midorima Shintaro. So it was true, I was to meet someone interesting today." He mumbles the last part as he hitches his glasses up with his fingers.

"Shintaro? As in the guy from The Generation of Miracles?" Your face lights up with a new passion that cannot help but startle the green-haired man a little bit.

"You know me? How?" It's his turn to ask questions. You simply smirk as you toss him the ball hard.

"I've been waiting for this opportunity. The Gods have been good to me. Let's play." You smile and Midorima cannot help but find you attractive until he shakes that innocent thought out of his head.

"You sure you want to do this? You know that you are no match for me." He cautions and you clench your fist.

"Don't underestimate me Midorima." Your voice lowers to a soft growl and he instantly freezes up a bit. Somehow, your face reminded him of his friend from long ago...Akashi.

You guys battle with the ball for ages until the score comes down to you losing. It was a close game, but it was obvious that you were no match for Midorima Shintaro himself. As you pant whilst resting on the floor, you see something through the corner of your eye and see a small can of a red bean beverage being extended out to you. You take it and thank him as you take a sip.

"You're pretty amazing. You made every single shot that you took. Who exactly are you?" He wonders as he opens his can too, while adjusting his glasses once more.

"I'm (Your Full Name)." You say and watch as his face lights up in recognition of your name.

"I see..So you're her. I heard a lot of things about you, and it's nice to finally be able to play with you." He stands and extends a hand for you to take. You take it silently as he offers your ball back.

"You still have a long way to go, but don't lose hope. It's not over yet. True defeat is when you fall and don't stand up again." He says with a hint of a smile.

"Next time...I'm going to win." You look him in the eye seriously and he closes his eyes for a minute and smirks before walking in the other direction.

"Sorry but, you can't stop me. It's impossible. It's the truth. I follow fate, and do everything I can. That is why I never miss my shots." (Actual dialogue from the video...WHOOP) He calls back as he keeps walking ahead.

"Will I ever see you again?" You call out, suddenly afraid that this was the way it was going to end for the two of you.

"We'll just have to wait and see (Your Name). Maybe Fate won't be so kind and you'll have to encounter me again."

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