Midorima Shintaro (The Christmas Dinner)

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You clutch on to Midorima's arm as he extends his hand to ring the doorbell. You unconsciously tighten your grip and his hand falters.

"Are you shaking?" Midorima asks in disbelief.

"Sh-shut up. It's just the cold." You give him a small glare as he stares at you with a knowing stare.

"You're nervous." He states blatantly and you have to stop yourself from punching him.

"So what if I am? I think you would be the same if you were having invited to dinner with MY family." You sulk.

"What are you talking about? We're married," He sighs before hitching up his glasses in exasperation. "You've had dinner with them a couple of times."

"Yeah, but it's a CHRISTMAS dinner." You whine.

"You'll be fine."


Midorima nudges the doorbell before you could protest and you take in a deep breath to calm yourself. Before long, the door clicks open and his friendly mother greets you with one of her warmest smiles. Whenever you glance between the two of them, you wonder how on earth they were related. Other than his hair color, they were completely different people.

"Hello mom." he hitches his glasses up again.

"Shintaro! It's been a while. My! You've gotten more handsome!" She chirps and you cannot help but smile. "Darling, Shintaro and (Your Name) are here!"

  The tall father figure of the family emerges from the living room to greet you both. He gives you a little nod before giving his son an awkward pat on the shoulder. Now you know exactly who's personality Midorima takes after. You tuck your hair behind your ear shyly before trailing behind Midorima as he slips into the warm and cozy home he grew up in. A wave of nostalgia hits you too as you remember the time you've spent here. You find yourself searching for Midorima's warm hand. He gives you a oddly reassuring squeeze before you all sit around the beautifully set dinner table. He only lets go to pick up his eating utensils. You feel your heart pound as you realise that his rare affection is a pleasant sight for your eyes.

"So do you guys plan on having any kids?" A sudden question from your mother-in-law almost makes you choke on a mouthful of mashed potatoes.

Sadly, Midorima didn't have the ability to compose himself. He coughs multiple times before taking a gulp out of his wine glass. You pat his back gently with a look of concern before you feel the heat rising  to your face.

"W-well...we haven't really thought about-" you mumble as you push the food around your plate awkwardly.

"Oh I see! I don't mean to pressure you at all. I just wanted to know when to expect some grandchildren!" Midorima's mother brushes it off with a small joke but you can hear the wistfulness in her cheerful voice.

  The rest of the dinner runs smoothly and before you even notice, the time had gone by so fast.  As you glance at the clock, you realise that it's pretty late. Midorima notices too and politely begins to say his farewells as you two get up to leave. His parents watch as you both get into the car and finally drive off into the silent night. Midorima hasn't had a lot to drink, so there was no doubt that he was fretting about the whole 'child' business.

"Shintaro...about what your mother said-" you attempt to reassure him about it but he interrupts you midway.

"(Your Name), do you want to have a child with me?" he asks bluntly before averting his gaze with a cough as his cheeks go bright red.

"Wha-I mean y-yeah..." you mumble as you look down at your fingers.

"Then I think I'm fine with it. W-Whenever you feel most comfortable."

"Oh..what about tonight then?" you tease.

"Wha?!?" he exclaims.

"Hahaha! Just kidding!" you laugh it off.


"Y-you want to try tonight...don't you!" you cannot conceal the laughter any longer.


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