They React To Baby News. (GoM)

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"I'm pregnant."

  Kuroko's eyes widen as you tell him the news and a wide smile appeared to his lips. His blue eyes shined like sapphires as he gently wrapped his arms around your shoulders to bring you in for a tender hug. You weren't sure, but you felt like he was a little teary as he whispered how great the news was.

"This is amazing (Your Name)."


"I'm pregnant."

  You watch as Kise's golden eyes widen slightly, then you were even more startled to see the tears beginning to coil in his eyes. You touch his arm softly as you look at him in worry. Was it because he didn't want to have a child yet? Before you could ask what as wrong, Kise began to hurriedly wipe away his tears, after doing so, he brings you in suddenly for a tight hug as he silently cries into your shoulder.

"I'm happy (Your Name)-icchi." He sobs.


"I'm pregnant."

  Maybe it was a bad idea to tell him the news over dinner, because as soon as those words escape your mouth, Aomine begins to cough on his food. After he finally got rid of the coughs, he bolted out of his chair and leaned over you with a serious face.

"You're not messing with me right? Are you really-" he demands.

"Why would I be lying about this? I'm not-" You begin but are cut short as he pulls you up from your chair and lifts you up into the air as he holds you tightly.

"I'll be a good father..." He mumbles into your neck.


"I'm pregnant."

  Akashi's fingers freeze as he turns to you in shock. It was rare to have him be caught off guard, and this was one of those times. He sets down the violin that he was playing and walks over to you slowly; taking both your hands into his warm ones.

"Are you sure?" He asks like it was something that he just couldn't believe.

"Yes...I took 3 pregnancy tests..and-" before you could finish confirming, his arms slither to your waist as he pulls your neck in to give you a soft and gentle kiss that made your legs weak like jelly. He then wraps his firm arms around you and rests his chin on your head.

"I'll take care of you and our baby..I promise."


"I'm pregnant."

  Atsushi's skillful fingers stop in midair as he was about to place the strawberry onto the creamy layered cake in front of him. He looked up from it to see you panting as it seems that you ran all the way from home to tell him the news. He wipes his hands on his apron calmly and approaches you. He carefully reaches down to your stomach and places his large hand on it while using his other to stroke your cheek gently.

"I'm going to be...a dad?" he whispers as his purple hair tickles your nose when he leans down; close to your face.

You nod as you bite your lip to stop the tears from overflowing down your cheeks and he gives your lips a soft peck.

"I'll be a good dad (Your Name)-chin. Do you want a slice of cake to celebrate?"


"I'm pregnant."

  You watch as Midorima's cup of tea that he had balanced between his bandaged fingers clatter to the ground, spilling tea everywhere. He fumbles over to pick up the cup, and you can see that his fingers are visibly shuddering and trembling. His face was laced with confusion and shock as he tries to interpret the words that you had just uttered. You bite your lip nervously as you wait anxiously for him to say something. He covers his face with his hands for a while, and lets out a soft laugh as he walks over to you. You look up to see his face lit up with a type of joy you have never seen on his face. He doesn't say anything as he wraps you in his long arms for a long hug. He drops a kiss to your temple as his shaky breathes cease. It seemed like he was trying his best to stay composed.

"So this was the news Oha Asa predicted...I'm happy (Your Name)."

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