Hotheaded & Protective.(Kōsuke Wakamatsu)

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-Enjoy! Thank you for requesting! I am very sorry I haven't been updating as much lately, school is quite busy for my at the moment. Again, if the reader does not sound like you or doesn't act like you, just imagine.-

Wakamatsu was the type of guy to seem overbearing and annoying most of the time. He was easily angered and had a very hot head.He wasn't exactly the type of guy that all girls fawned over. In fact, no-one had mentioned anything other than the fact that he was annoying. He had never had a girlfriend, well not that you know of anyway. In other words, he wasn't the most attractive person in the world.

However, you were secretly glad that no other girl was interested in him. You had fallen in love with him ever since you had transferred over to Tōō. You've told nobody about it, because you were just oo afraid that it would make things super awkward between the two of you. You were merely his classmate and friend, he would never had expected you to be madly in love with him.

It's been two years since then, and days turned into months as you just watched over him behind the curtains. Maybe it was better that way, you felt like if he knew, you wouldn't know what to do. A pang of
pain thumps across your heart as the thoughts of him being oblivious hurts you. As much as you wanted him to notice you, it was probably not worth risking the friendship over.

"(Your Name)? What are you doing hiding behind walls?" A familiar tone echoes and you jump in fright as you realize that you had been caught. A blush creeps up automatically.

"U-um...I was just..." You stammer as you scramble to find an excuse.

"Come on..spit it out..." Aomine coaxes as he slings his arm around your shoulder in a rough manner as you almost fall to the ground.

"I just wanted to watch you guys play basketball today." You exclaim and Aomine smirks as if he could see right through your lies.

"Bullshit. You're here to see fucking Wakamatsu aren't you." He sneers and you click your tongue.

"Stop being so rude to your captain..!" You catch yourself defending him automatically and cringe as Aomine bursts out into laughter.

"Come on (Your Name). Leave it to me. I'll be your wing hoe." He guffaws as he drags you into the gym without giving you a chance to protest.

"Oi Captain...(Your Name) here wants to watch the team it okay with you?" He asks politely enough, even though the forced feeling was widely evident.

"Ah? I guess it's fine." He frowns as he hears Aomine. He was usually never here for training.

You watch the team play a game of 5v5 and you had your eyes on one person. Wakamatsu may have one too many flaws when it comes to personality, but you cannot help but admire his basketball skills. His strong leadership made your heart skip a few beats as you keep your eyes on the game intently. At that moment, your water bottle comes loose from your bag, and as it clatters inside the court, you quickly reach out to grab it without realizing that a game was still in play.

"Watch out!"

Someone warns you a little too late as you feel your body get slammed into the ground with a bone crushing force. The wind is knocked out of your lungs as you struggle to keep your breath even. As you try to stand, you wince as a sharp pain runs up your ankle.

Everyone runs over to see if you were okay. They all looked worried out of their minds. But then again , they did witness a frail girl get smashed into the ground by a man half your size. One particular person seemed more upset than the rest as he pushes his teammates out of the way to make sure you were okay. A warm hand rests on the middle of your back as he helps you sit up.

"Damn...that was hard contact. You alright?!" He demands as he helps you check if anything was seriously broken. You try to stand up in embarrassment and apologize but your ankle gives out in attempt and Wakamatsu notices quickly.

Before you could say anything, he quickly tucks his hands underneath your body and pulls you up into his arms with ease. He shouts that they should get back to practice as he carries you swiftly to the nurse's office. You were still wondering how on earth this happened as you Wakamatsu's fingers silently. The nurse had already gone home, so he had no choice but to help you bind your twisted ankle up. You notice the red twinge of his cheeks as he also had no choice but to make contact with your legs.

"You should be more careful next time (Your Name). I don't want to see you get hurt again alright?"



-The next day during lunch-

Aomine: Dude, she totally has the hots for you, you know?

Wakamatsu: Shut up. I know.

Aomine: Just ask her out already. We all know you like her.

Wakamatsu: That's none of your business!

Aomine: Better hurry then, because I might steal her away if you don't act fast.

Wakamatsu: TEME-!

P.S Tōō has the hottest team to be honest. Like they are all hot af. LOL. GG

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