Inferiority.(Akashi Seijuro)

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"(Your Name)? Can you please print a few copies of this for the meeting in an hour?" Your colleague asks a favor and you graciously accept to do it.

"Sure!" You nod as you take the papers swiftly.

You worked at the well-known company that excelled well above every other company in Japan. You had worked your butt off to get there, and you didn't intend to slack off and risk getting fired from your dream job. You were ambitious and even competitive when it comes to your abilities to do something. However, you weren't the kind to be oblivious to the other people working like you. You were friendly and also very willing to help anyone.

You tug at your pencil skirt uncomfortably as you shuffle around waiting for the printer to finish doing it's job. At that moment, a waft of air blows your way and you turn around to see the CEO of the company, Akashi Seijuro, walk by with his hand filled with his own documents. In another hand he had his expensive looking suit that would have cost more than your monthly salary. An expensive cologne scent fills your nose and you sniff secretively.

As you turn back around to get back to work, you don't realize that as soon as you do so, Akashi gazes at your backside facing him and smiles just a tiny bit.

Akashi Seijuro had noticed you from a very long time ago. As soon as he saw your resume, he was somehow drawn to you. You were different from everyone else, you didn't sugarcoat your achievements, nor did you undermine them. He loved the way you worked and also would occasionally walk by just to catch a glimpse of your beautiful face. You didn't cake on make-up, you just applied a moderate amount that only complimented your ever-lasting features.

One day you get a phone call from your desk and answer it swiftly with your usual confident work voice.

"(Your Name). Come to my office as soon as possible please." You hear Akashi's voice along the line and a shiver runs up your spine automatically. Had you done something to mess up already?

"Yes Sir." You reply and begin to walk to his office with your heart pounding.

You open the glass door hesitantly and peek your head through to see him with his fingers spread out together in front of his face. He has his eyes closed as if he was thinking about your death. You gulp pretty loudly and pray that he didn't hear it.

"Have a seat." He orders and you take a seat slowly, not making any eye contact.

"I've been going through your progress for this year and I have to say I'm very impressed (Your Name). Therefore, I decided to promote you to become my secretary and all payments will be adjusted accordingly." He says as he finally opens his eyes to reveal his dual colored eyes.

Your breath hitches in your throat and you cover your mouth to stop yourself from screaming. Instead you lunge yourself up and give him a big hug until you realize what you were doing. You instantly let go; embarrassed. But as you try to pull away, his hand on your waist stops you as he pulls your chin close.

"This is sexual harassment (Your Name). Better behave yourself...or I might have to punish you~."

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