One True Love.(Kagami Taiga)

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You were looking out at the distinct life view of Tokyo as you leaned against the railings that separated you from the river below. The reflections of the brightly lit buildings wavered in the soft ripples of the surface as you heaved out a sigh. Today wasn't exactly the best day for you, your previous relationship ended with you finding your man in bed with another woman. After creating a huge havoc of commotion, you packed your stuff and left.

You didn't have anywhere to stay for the night, and you were too embarrassed to go back home to your parents. You knew that they would do nothing but torment you with questions on why you suddenly decided to come back. You got out of the cab in the middle of the ride and here you were. Surprisingly enough, you didn't have any tears to spare on the situation. You already cried over him so many times, that you could have seen it coming from a mile away, yet you turned the blind eye and let him hurt you over and over again. You were sick of the fact that you wasted your time trying to please him, and now you had almost nothing left. Sometimes, you wished you could cry some more, to let out the numb feelings you were currently feeling.

At that moment, you feel a buzz on your thigh and rummage through to find ( A DILDO..jk) your phone lit up with incoming phone call. You answer it without checking the caller ID and bring it to your ear.

"(Your Name)?! Where are you?! I heard about what happened with (Dick Douche's Name)..." You realize that it was Kagami and relax a little bit.

"I'm at Rainbow Bridge (This exists in joke).." You answer hesitantly as you get ready for him to yell at you.

"What?!? What are you doing at a fucking bridge?!" He exclaims so loud that you have to pull the phone away from your ear and wince.

"I'm not going to hurl myself off anytime soon Taiga. Don't worry." You sigh as you both share a few seconds of silence.

"Do you have anywhere to stay?" He asks softly, as he was aware that it was a sensitive topic to touch upon.

"N..not necessarily." You sigh again as the tears that you thought would never show begin to well in your eyes.

You try your hardest not to sound like you were crying as you attempt to silence your sobs and heavy breathing.

"I'm coming to get you, so don't move okay?" He answers after a while and he hangs up just as quickly.

You crouch down to your rear and brings your knees up as you have a good howl. Just as you wipe your tears with the edge of your hoodie, you hear a car door open and look up to see Kagami in front of you.

He extends his hand and pulls you into his strong and protective arms as he hugs you. This warmth was so astonishingly overwhelming, that fresh tears began to coil again as you try to sniff it away quickly.

"You can cry (Your Name). Let it all out. I'll be here for you." He whispers as he rests his chin on your head.

"Wh...why are you being so n-nice?" You ask between gasps of air from crying and he brings your tear-streaking face closer to his and without a single word, he envelopes your lips with his own. Your heart feels like it's about to explode into an explosion of fireworks.

You haven't felt your heart beat so fast since the day you thought you found true love. All the memories of Kagami during your elementary times all the way up to high school came rushing back.

He was your one true love.

Love was strange indeed.

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