Forbidden.(Nijimura Shuzo)

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-Thank you for requesting! Enjoy!-

  The harsh material of the rope digs into your flesh and you hiss in pain as you struggle to break free. But no matter how much you try, it's no use. They have you locked up tightly. You haven't even seen the sun in weeks, and you spend the days you have left in solidarity confinement. You really shouldn't have trespassed through the Rakuzan clan. They are notoriously known to be unwelcoming and hostile. Maybe that is why you're sitting against a rusted pole with your arms and legs tied up. Your living conditions are revolting, and you start to feel queazy from not getting anything to eat. You try not to break under these unfortunate circumstances, but it would be strange not to. Your sanity slowly erodes away, and just when you think you have no absolute hope, the metal door is slammed open. and you come face to face with the Red Emperor.

A shiver runs up your spine as you lock eyes with him. His gaze is menacing and merciless, and you instantly start to regret sneaking into their camp. But it wasn't like you had a choice, you were starving to death. The (Your Clan's Name) clan was recently raided into, and thousands of you are going hungry by the second. Your family is on the verge of extinction, so you had no choice but to try and steal some from the neighboring village. It just so happened to belong to the Rakuzan clan. They aren't on friendly terms with your house, as decades of war proves that in the ancient books. These thoughts plague your mind as your breath trembles before him. You stare into the floor until his black leather boots come into view. You don't even have time to see it before his leg comes in contact with your face. The force knocks your jaw out of place, and you feel blood pooling in your mouth. A small whimper escapes your lips and you start to pant as warm liquid dribbles out of your nose and down your chin.

"You should've thought twice before you step foot on to our territory," he hisses lowly with a demonic grin. " We don't take too kindly to thieves like you, especially if you're from that worthless example of a clan."

Your fists clench up tightly as he insults your heritage. It may not be a great clan with flourishing prospects and wealthy provinces, but you were raised happy, and thus you want to stand by it at all costs. You raise your head slowly while ignoring the aching of your face. The red-head is slightly unsettled by the way your glare pierces through his soul. You lean forward and spit the coagulated lumps of blood and saliva into the man's face.

"The colour suits you." you smirk and the man sneers back before grabbing a handful of your hair.

You bite down on your teeth as he winds his fist up to throw a deafening punch, but it never comes as it is put to a halt by a commanding voice.

"Akashi. What the hell are you doing?!" The voice booms and you have to squint in the dim light to make out your saviour.

"What does it look like?" Akashi sighs in exasperation and his grip on your roots loosen immediately, perhaps he is a little annoyed that he got interrupted.

The man is tall and slender looking, but something about him screams leadership and power.

"I didn't ask you to do any of this. It'll be trouble if they declare war on us again. It's been peaceful, don't screw this up for us." He warns sternly, but the stubborn redhead doesn't back down easily.

"So what if they do? We outnumber their men as it is," he scoffs before pointing at you with a daunting finger. "Besides, I've been itching to kill something. Let me do this."

  The black-haired man takes a step toward Akashi threateningly, and like a hawk, he lashes out and grabs a handful of his collar before hissing into his face.

"Do you have no honor, Akashi? Unlike you, we aren't triggered by useless emotions." He mumbles lowly. "Take your bloodlust some place else."

  Akashi finally lets it slide and clicks his tongue in annoyance before shrugging himself off. He brushes his suit before ordering his men outside. He gives you one murderous look before closing the metallic door behind him. You're left with the head of the Rakuzan clan, and happened to have witnessed him making use of his immense power. He stands still for a little while before heaving a sigh. His face looks tired and worn out, but it isn't surprising as he probably has to deal with shit like this on a daily basis. He rubs his eyelids with his thumb and forefinger, but the creases only seem to get deeper. You finally decide to break the tension by speaking up.

"Um...thank you." You're surprised at how hoarse your voice is. "Thanks for stopping him."

"How'd you end up here?" He asks straightforwardly and you look away in shame.

"I tried to steal some food from the local market." you answer pathetically. "My family's starving."

"Did the guards feed you at all during your stay here?" He asks in realization and your stomach churns at the thought of food.

"N-no. Besides, even if they did, I wouldn't be able to eat." You motion towards your immobilized hands. "These aren't very uncomfortable."

  The man seems taken aback by your words, and he quickly draws closer to examine your cut up wrists. You automatically flinch away, and he senses your unease and distress immediately.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt you." he reassured softly and he does his words justice by untying your limbs. "I'll call for the guards to bring you something to eat."

"I don't know your name." You blurt out as he turns to leave, his broad back shadowing over small frame. "Mine's (Your Name), (Your Full Name)."

"It's Nijimura."

  He turns around and locks eyes with you. Unlike Akashi's, his gaze is warm and sympathetic.

"W-why are you being so nice to me?" You whisper as the tears spring to your eyes.

"You seem like a nice girl, (Your Name)." His voice echoes around. "It'll be a shame to mistreat someone who represents so much good in this world."

Salute Cadets!

(I hope it's okay to start calling you guys cadets instead of readers...)

Thinking about making a Part 2! Comment on this if you want one!

I hope you enjoyed!


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