If You Chose Kiyoshi Teppei.

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-This was a Kiyoshi or Hanamiya? Oneshot that I wrote in my previous oneshot book, and I decided to write the two "routes". If you haven't read it, then check it out on my other completed oneshot.-

"So where exactly are you taking me?" You wonder as you walk along with the man in all white. It seemed that he was limping a little, but you decide not to dwell on it. You take a glance at his knee to see the bandages coming loose.

"H-hey..your bandages.." You comment and Kiyoshi stops mid-step to look down. He then smiles wryly and waves his hands in dismissal.

"I'll fix that later. For now, we don't have much time." He replies but you stop him by grabbing his arm.

"I'll help you tie it back. It won't take long." You persist and watch his lips curl into a soft smile that made your heart beat twice as fast.

You bend down and begin to wrap the bandage around his knee again. Your nimble fingers graze his calf and you could tell that he was pretty well-built judging by his muscles.

"What exactly happened to your knee?" You let the curiously get the best of you as you ask without looking up at his reaction.

"Angels and Devils have fought over the people that arrive for centuries (Your Name). We all need more accomplices on both sides of the realm. So it's a constant battle, even if it means forcibly turning the entity bad or good when their original emits one side or the other. It's a cruel procedure, and sometimes it gets really dangerous. I just happened to be at the wrong place and at the wrong time." He sighs as he stands again, his pearl white eagle-like wings flapping gently.

At that moment, you feel a sharp pain in your side and double over with a small cry. Kiyoshi immediately catches you and demands what was wrong.
You remove your hand from your side to see it stained with dark blood that smelled almost as foul as it looked.

"Dammit! That devil!" He grits his teeth angrily as he tears off the fabric that was covering the wound. He then places his hand on it and a bright light emits.

"What..what's wrong with me?" You pant and he shakes his head.

"He contaminated you with a spell that could tip your balance of your current status of good and bad. He's trying to make you convert to the dark side. Like hell, this time he isn't going to take you away from me." He says as he concentrates on your wound.

Your vision begins to swim and your breathing increases rapidly. Just before you lose consciousness, you feel him being you closer to his body. You could swear that you felt tears drop on to your face.

"Please don't leave me again..."


You jolt up in a cold sweat as you look around rapidly, still panting from what seemed like a bad dream.

You touched your side to feel the thick coarse texture of a wide scar and everything flows back into your head.

You had been in an accident a year ago. It really was just a bad dream.

You feel someone else stir from the bed and look over to see him propping himself up in his elbows.

"What's wrong (Your Name)? Did you have a bad dream?" His thick morning voice croaks as he slings his long arm around your waist before snuggling into the crook of your neck.

"Yeah Kiyoshi..it's nothing."

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