Mornings.(Midorima Shintaro)

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You don't know how long you've been laying in bed with your husband, but you didn't care either because it was your day off, and you both had the whole day to spend with each other. It felt unimaginably nice to be pressed against your loved one; his arms looped around your waist naturally.

When you first started dating him back in high school, he had so much trouble expressing his true feelings and intentions that it would bring a lot of tension into your relationship. However, as the relationship grew stronger, he began to rely on you more. As of now, he was still the same mature tsundere, but maybe a lot less when you were around.

"It's nice being able to spend my off days with you...Shintaro." You hum against his bare neck as you feel him stiffen in the slightest bit possible.

"Mm...." His reply vibrates against your cheek and you can't help but smile at his adorableness.

"You have to try to get more sleep Mr. Medical Examiner, you were barely awake on me last night." You tease slightly.

"You're one to talk (Your Name). It was your fault anyway." He replies back in his usual annoyed tone.

"Hey! I couldn't help that I had to stay over there to file in my reports! We've been getting so many cases lately." You protest as you cross your arms.

"Whatever you say. Honestly I would know, I examine all the death that you have to solve. At least I still take care of myself properly." He begins to provoke you, but you were so used to it that it almost became second nature to stick your tongue out at him secretly.

"I saw that." He murmurs and you jump in surprise.

"How!?" You demand.

"We've dated for over 5 years, it would be a disgrace to NOT know what you're usually like." He sighs harmlessly enough, but you see his cheeks and ears flushing red.

At that perfect moment, a monstrous growl resonates from your stomach and you hide your face underneath the duvet in embarrassment.

"Did you skip dinner again?" He nags as he pokes his head underneath the sheets where you resided.

"Y-yeah. I was just too tired to eat..." You say sheepishly as he gives you a little knowing glare.

"Honestly, this is why you pass out all over the place...ALL THE TIME. What will happen when I'm not here to take care of you?" He sighs again as he gets up to shove on his tight orange boxers before shuffling downstairs to the kitchen with you trailing behind him in his huge shirt.

"Oh. I don't need to worry about that because you're never going to leave me." You tease.

"Shut up." He coughs as he prepares to make breakfast.

You sniff appreciatively as the sizzling of the pan leaves a complimentary smell of (Your Favorite Breakfast Name). You dig in eagerly as soon as he places your plate in front of you. He props his chin on to his hand as he watches you eat. He sighs as he spots a piece of egg stick to the corner of your lips. He leans over and tilts your chin up before flicking it off almost in annoyance. You both look into each other's gaze in silence for a few seconds until you feel him lean in closer before pecking you on the lips softly.

"Good morning (Your Name)."

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