Downpour.(Kagami Taiga)

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-This was a scenario I thought of a while back, but I just remembered it recently because it's raining here.  Anyway, enjoy!-

"(Your Name)! Get back here! RIGHT NOW!" your father yelled from the house you were fleeing from.

"I fucking hate you all." you whispered to yourself as you clenched your teeth down on to your lips.

  It seemed like the sky was the only thing that could understand how you felt. When you felt like you've run far enough from the dark place you called home, you looked up at the dark and murky sky to feel the tears coiling at the corners of your eyes. Everything was so horrible now, you couldn't help but find yourself longing for the past again. You wanted to go back to the short period of time where you were truly happy. Of course, you were still naive and young at that time. However, you didn't have to worry about getting perfect grades and being the perfect daughter. You'd rather be intolerably ignorant than have to deal with the mental and physical abuse you are burdened with in the present.

  A shiver ran through your body as the thin layer of your indoor clothes provided little to no warmth in the chilly weather. You looked down at your feet to find them shoeless and covered in dirt and minor cuts. You wished that you could just walk some more, but your feet were beginning to hurt. The pain became one with your disconnected emotions and the tears grew more heavy by the second. At one point, you had no other option but to crumple to the cold ground as the rain began to pound down on you mercilessly. Your feet were in no state for you to walk any further, and at that moment, you could've really cared less about what was going to happen to you.

  You wrapped your arms around your shoulders and crawled into a ball as your sobs ring loudly against your own ears. You were always alone in the lonely boulevards of this world, and it seems like you had finally caved in to the overbearing weight on your shoulders. You let out a frustrated scream into the sky before going silent completely. You tugged at the limp strands of your own hair as the inhuman sobs and cries shake up your entire core. You probably spent a very long time in that same state, but time is the least of your worries. You would have stayed longer, if it wasn't for that shadow that loomed over your broken soul. 

"(Your Name)? What are you doing here?" a familiar voice hushed in worry.

  You turned around and looked up with a tear-streaked face to find your childhood friend shielding you with his umbrella as he looked down at you with a face filled with disbelief and horror.

"K-Kagami?" you managed to whisper hoarsely before you make useless efforts to stand.

  Kagami's eyes darted to your feet before bending down and picking you up into his arms with ease. You must've been really light, because you felt him pause for a second, as if he was struggling to remember if you weighed so little the last time he lifted you up. He remembered that incident clearly. You had gotten injured during P.E class, and he had to carry you to the nurse's office. That whole trip, he had complained about how heavy you were. But now, everything about you was so different, and Kagami hated it.

  You could tell that he was upset without even looking at his face. Call it instinct, but you knew that it was because you had been watching him for so long. Every little detail about him was embedded into your mind clearly, and nothing in the world could do something to take that memory of him away. Ever since the huge fight in middle school, you both went separate ways and never looked back. Even if you lived in the same district and attended the same high school, it was like you were strangers. During the time of your dispute, things started to get worse at home. You had nobody that was there for you after you ruined your relationship with the one you loved. But you were stubborn, so you dismissed the urges to talk to him again, and kept all the pain and sadness within yourself. 

"What happened to you?" Kagami asked hesitantly as he never took his eyes off the bandages in his hand.

  You heard a painful sigh as he takes your silence into account. You had been silent ever since he had brought you back to his place. He was in the process of disinfecting and wrapping your feet when he decided to attempt to break the heavy silence. However, his efforts seemed ineffectual, because the blankness in your eyes never faded away. Kagami couldn't take it anymore. He felt guilty for not being there for you. It was clear that you had suffered a lot, yet he had been completely oblivious to your trauma. A string of curses hurtled out of his mouth as he raised his hand up to place it on your ice cold cheek before searching your eyes in desperation. He wanted answers, but he wasn't getting any.

"I'm so sorry, (Your Name). I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I'm sorry that I couldn't do anything to help you!" he blurted out.

  He watched as your glazed eyes opened in shock at his outburst. Your eyes immediately filled over with tears once again as you gripped the towel in your lap as tightly as you could. Your knuckles turned pearl white, but then they returned to normal as all your energy and anger surged out all at once.

"Wh-why?" you breathed weakly as you bit your lip. "Why are you apologising when I was the one that did you wrong? You make me feel like the oppressor, even with your stupid apologies. T-taiga, I-" 

  Kagami's lips curled up into a relieved smile as he succeeded in bringing you back from the darkness you had been residing in. He was able to piece the person he loved back together with his own hands, and for that he was contented. He leans over and brings you into a loving embrace as he brings his lips to your temple.

"You'll never be alone again. I promise."


Dear Readers,

I've been feeling quite down recently, and I guess this fan fiction really hits home because the character portrayal of the reader really reflects how I feel right now. School is very hectic and stressful and I feel like I'm breaking. You ever get that feeling where you feel like you're trying SO hard and working your ass off, but everything just gets worse or goes to hell? Yeah, that's me right now. This is why I love writing so much, I can just channel out my emotions and feel a little better. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this and I hope you have a wonderful day/night wherever you are.


Winnie xoxo.

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