We Will Meet Again.(Midorima Shintaro)

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  Since you are part of the futuristic generation, the libraries around your province are practically deserted and empty throughout the whole day. Maybe that is why you go there so much, it's always been a hideaway from reality for you. Something is just so satisfying about gliding your fingers along the endless spines of each and every book. Dust collects on the surfaces of the shelves, as the books remain untouched for several months. You make an effort to read as much as you can, but that is physically impossible to accomplish on your own.

  What you don't realise, is that someone was always watching you from afar. He had his eyes on you ever since you set foot into the library. In the beginning, he was somewhat annoyed at the fact that you were messing up the books that he spent so long on arranging back into chronological order. However, soon he found himself looking past that and appreciating the way you gazed longingly at the books around you. He could understand the look on your face because he felt that way about books too. That was precisely why he decided to work part-time at the library after all.

  It was one evening where he caught sight of you struggling to reach a shelf for a particular book. He watched you for a few minutes. He soon caught himself smiling and had to quickly cover his cheeks to avoid suspicions. At that moment, you turned around and spotted him lurking in the corner and quickly bowed shortly in embarrassment. You were just about to walk away and try find another book that interested you, but Midorima saw how you gazed at the book longingly before turning around. So his feet moved on their own will and he quickly grabs the book with ease and taps you on the shoulder with an awkward cough. He extended the book towards you whilst he avoided any eye contact. You had taken it from him with gratitude and expressed it with a big smile. A chill ran up Midorima's spine as his heart thumped harder against his chest. It was so loud in his ears, that he had to look around anxiously to see if anybody could notice the irregular beats.

  The sky darkened even more, and soon the skies were completely dyed black and sprinkled on with stars. Midorima glanced out the window to admire the stars for a little while before shutting off all the systems and lights as he got ready to head out. He quickly patrolled the library to make sure everything was in order, and just as he was about to turn around and lock up, he bumped into something and automatically lurched backwards surprise.

"Eeeeek....!" you let out a small mouse-like squeak and looked up to see a looming shadow. 

" Nanodayo! What are you doing here?! It's long past closing time!" Midorima stuttered.

"S-sorry! I must've fallen asleep while reading again," you mumbled as you scratched the back of your head nervously. "I'm so sorry for the trouble."

"I-it's fine." he sighed as he turned around to lead you both out in the moonlight.

  You took that time to observe the tall man besides you. He had all the height of a man, but not that much of the bulk. You could clearly see the outline of his back muscles, but it wasn't the kind that men get from years of weight training. Were you ever strangers? You weren't exactly sure that you were, because walking beside him felt more natural than anything in the world. You were mannerly enough to avoid staring for too long, yet the reliable man in front of you had you enthralled. His eyes suddenly made contact with yours, and you hold his gaze for a few seconds as your cheeks flared up. You hoped that the darkness concealed your blush.

"That book you were reading...was it good?" his sudden question surprised you.

"Hmm? Oh this? Yeah, he's my favourite author. I have all of Shintaro-san's books." you chuckled shyly as you clutched the book tightly to your chest.

The green-haired man's lips twitch, and you swore that he was trying to fight back a smile.

"He sounds like an interesting author. Don't you find his work a little intimidating?" he asked curiously as he turned to glance at you once more.

"No, not at all! I admit, his work can get pretty dark sometimes, but I think it's beautiful. He gives off an impression that he is actually a pretty lonely person in this world.I feel...connected to him somehow. Ah I'm sorry. I'm rambling again." you laughed with embarrassment.

  Your steps came to halt at last as you realised that you had to go separate ways. A deep overwhelming feeling of loneliness submerges your short-term happiness as reality dawns upon you once again. You quickly turned around and gave the respectable man a small bow before smiling up at him.

"Well, thank you. I'll be on my way now. Maybe I'll see you around. My name's (Your Name)." you whispered as his green orbs searched your own (Your Eye Color) pair.

"I'm sure we'll see each other again, (Your Name). " he said with a small smile.



Ding Dong~

"Delivery for (Your Full Name)!" A voice calls from outside your door.

  You are quickly handed a small dense package before being asked to sign something. Soon you are left alone on your front porch with a package you knew nothing about. You originally believed that it was some sort of shipping mistake, but there was no doubt that it was sent to your name. Curiosity gets the best out of you and you rip it open to be revealed with the book that was not supposed to come out until a month later. It was a book you were clamouring to buy. You quickly flip to the front page to see words scribbled daintily with a signature.


The stars usually take up all of my attention.

But that night, you really took my breath away.

I told you we'd be seeing each other again.

Midorima Shintaro.


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