Forgotten.(Akashi Seijuro)

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-Enjoy! Thank you for requesting! Just a heads up, I don't complete my fan fiction requests in a particular order. This is an angst guys...prepare your feels-

  It all started out with the two of you agreeing to go on a harmless date to spend some time with each other. You didn't go on dates often, mainly because of Akashi's packed and busy schedule. However, when you did, he never failed to make you feel like you've been going on dates 24/7. You were truly happy, it may be hard to believe that two college students figured out the concept of true love. Despite having a whole life ahead of you, you couldn't imagine yourself with another man that was not Akashi. You never would have thought that your life could be altered so quickly in your life.

  You walked down the quiet streets calmly hand in hand with your red-haired boyfriend as you took in your surroundings. It was a beautiful neighborhood. It was a short walk back to his car and you were enjoying the soft evening breeze that caressed your cheek.

"Did you finish your Japanese essay yet (Your Name)?" He asks casually once you were both seated in the car comfortably.

" I finished my English one, but I can never get used to writing in Japanese." You sigh as you scratch the back of your head in frustration.

"That's alright, you have me. I'll help you." He smiles as he turns his head slightly with his eyes fixated on the road.

  Akashi was a pretty safe driver. He made sure that you were always wearing your seatbelt and would never drink and drive. It was natural for Akashi to abide to the rules, however, he only lived by his OWN rules and no-one else's. You were just thinking about how special Akashi was to you, when you are blinded by a very bright light which was followed by a full-blown force that you could feel vibrate painfully through your bones. If it wasn't for your brain's automatic response of shutting down into unconsciousness, it would have been extremely painful as you knew that whatever happened would not let you off unharmed.

  When you come back to reality, the first thing that you notice was that everything was upside down. You blink furiously as crimson flows freely from the gash on your forehead and into your eyes. Everything in your body hurt, yet you felt numb at the same time. As the fear begins to set in, you try to move furiously until you realize that there was no point in doing so. The sound of sirens pierced through your hazy thoughts and soon enough, you were surrounded by loud yet urgent voices. 

"Miss? Can you hear me? If you can hear what I'm saying, please refrain from moving. We're working on getting you guys out right now." A crisp yet assertive voice commands and you cannot help but take in small gasps of air to keep yourself from passing out again.

  That's when the horrific truth hits you like a full on emotional truck. It was the fact that you weren't the only one in the car. In fact, you weren't even the one driving. You turn your aching head slowly to let out a cry and whimper that resembled the sound of a cat being strangled. Even as the paramedics and firemen try to calm you down with soothing words, the sight of your lover's limp body was your breaking point. 

  Akashi's eyes were shut loosely, as if he had just fallen asleep. Dark red webs of blood decorated his face as it drips off his red hair and on to his pearl white shirt that you had bought him as a gift. He looked like a wounded angel. At that moment, his hand slides down right in front of your face and you cannot help but sob in horror. Your own shaky hand reaches out as it takes the lifeless hand in it's own grasp, hoping that it would somehow bring him back to you. At last, the shock and pain begins to become too overwhelming for you to take, and your own eyes flutter shut as your consciousness is taken away from you once more.

  When you awake for the second time, the lights were the most bright thing that you had laid your eyes upon in your life. You weren't sure how long you were out for, but the sandy sensation in your mouth told you otherwise. You had been in an induced coma for a whole week due to the severity of your injuries. Half of your face was seared painfully by the heat of the explosion as well as the glass shattering in your face. You had multiple lacerations and broken bones, and the pain would have been excruciatingly painful, some would say that you wouldn't be able to take it. A part of you wished that you were able to feel this pain, because feeling pain would mean that, at least, you were alive. You weren't allowed to see him until you recovered some more, and that was another few weeks. The doctors would not tell you about his condition clearly. All they had mentioned was the fact that Akashi was still unconcious.

  When you were finally able to visit his room, what they had said was true. His peaceful sleeping almost made you feel like everything was going to be okay. But everyone knew that was completely wrong. You went through stages of blaming yourself to blaming Akashi. However, as the days went by in the hospital with you by his side, he was bound to wake up eventually, at least for your sake.

   You wheel yourself into his room once again as you take his hand gently in yours. Despite being in a coma, his hands were still as warm as ever. You slowly bring it to your face as you shut your eyes. The memories of his hands came flooding back. The way they caressed your cheeks softly, the way they trailed up your bare body lovingly, the soft nimble fingers that tickled you, it was all something you desperately wanted back at that moment. As the tears begin to trail down your cheeks, you cradle his hand as the sobs begin to surface. You would have cried for many more hours, if it wasn't for that slight twitch that rendered you speechless.

  Right before your eyes, you watched life return to him again. He stirred slightly, his eyes twitching violently underneath his closed lids. You waited hopefully until he opened them slowly, allowing you to gaze into those dual colored eyes once again. Just as you were about to open your mouth to say something, something leaves his mouth first.

"Who are you?"

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