The Gift.(Kagami Taiga)

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Kagami is and always will be afraid of dogs. This weird phobia of his would be surprising to anyone, because he was such a brawny type of man that would give off a 'tough' aura. He was hot-headed and was a complete amateur when it came to being a boyfriend.

It wasn't like you had a problem with his personality. In fact you adored how flustered and clueless he was when it came to being in love. However, you had wanted a pet dog for quite a while now, but you knew Kagami would never agree to come over to your house again.

One weekend when you both were hanging around the nearby shops, you notice a small adoption center that had dogs playing around behind the glass window. Kagami had gone to get some new basketball shoes, and while you were waiting, you couldn't help but press your hands against the glass. Your face lit up into a small smile as you watched the puppies clamor around your hand.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting. You want to go to Maji Burger and grab a-" Kagami begins to say, but catches you pressed up against the glass.

He watches silently as you laugh in glee when the puppies do something adorable. His heart also begins to quicken at the sight of you smiling so brightly. He loved watching you happy, and if a puppy made you that ecstatic, who was he to deny that of you? He comes up with a great idea that almost makes him shudder before he grabs your hand in his.

You jump a little, startled that he was behind you this whole time and begin to blush.

"What were you doing pressed up against the glass like that?" He asks and you quickly shake your head.

"Ah nothing. Let's go to get some burgers, I'm starving." You chirp and Kagami smiles at you.

"Yeah let's. I'm starving." He nods as he wraps his arms around your waist.


You rub the towel into your wet hair after a nice bath and as you finish changing into your pajamas, you hear the door bell ring.

You instantly turn your head to the side as you wonder who the hell would be coming at this hour. Nevertheless, you totter to the front door and open it to see Kagami with a big box in his arms. He looked terrified and as pale as a white sheet of paper as he thrusts the box into your arms. He then scratches the back of his head as sweat trickles down.

"I thought you might want this." He mumbles.

"What is i-" you begin to unravel the ribbons when he quickly stops your hands with his.

"U-Um! Open it when you get back inside! W-ell! I got to go! Love you!" He stutters wildly and gives you a fast kiss before disappearing into his car in the driveway.

You shrug in confusion and close the door. You then sit at the edge of the sofa and open the box to be attacked by a small fur ball and you automatically scream in alarm. When you begin to scatter away, thinking it was some cruel joke, you open your eyes to see a small (Your Favorite Dog Breed) dog wagging his tail with his tongue hanging out playfully. That's when it dawns on you.

Kagami got me a dog.

Kagami got me a fucking dog.

You instantly call Kagami on his cell while you cuddle the puppy as you tell him how much you loved him for what he did.

"I-I'm glad that made you happy..." He says over the phone and you cannot stop smiling.

"Will you be able to come over after this?" You tease and you hear him cough. "Really though, thanks babe."

"You're welcome (Your Name). Now get that thing all settled in and get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow. WITHOUT the dog please."


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