Anniversary.(Hyuuga Junpei LEMON)

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You've been married to Hyuuga for quite some time now and Hyuuga decided to do something special for you for your anniversary coming up in a few days. Hyuuga was madly in love with you even to this day. Even after being married for a long time, he never ceased to find you amazing or sometimes even adorable. He wasn't really good at expressing his feelings to you, but he always tried his best to be the best man out there for you.

A few days later, when you head out to buy a surprise cake for Hyuuga to celebrate, what you don't know is that he was secretly preparing something for you too. After you head back, you made his favorite dinner dish and you both enjoyed a nice dinner like always. Hyuuga couldn't help but blush the whole entire time, hoping you would love the surprise that was soon to come.

"(Your Name)." He calls your name almost hesitantly and you turn to him.

'What is it Junpei?" You answer and he stands up as he clears his throat. He then extends a hand towards you while looking away and you take it as you get up too.

He leads you to your bedroom and opens the door to reveal something that made you gasp in shock. There were scented candles laid out and beautiful rose petals scattered all around the floor.

"Oh my god...Junpei...this is.." You were speechless and Hyuuga took it the wrong way.

"I-I know it's cheesy..but...I just wanted to do something special for you for our anniversary and-"

Before he could finish his sentence, you grab both his cheeks and pull him in for a big kiss.

"You're seriously the best cheesy husband ever." You tease and stare into his eyes for a little while.

The joking atmosphere disappears as a more serious one overtakes it. His eyes glistened with love and passion through his glasses and you both seemed to be leaning into each other's lips. His hand trails up your waist and your arms wrap around his neck almost instinctively.

As soon as your lips meet, everything seemed to escalate really quickly. He pulls off his shirt and helps you unzip the dress you had worn for dinner. As his fingers do the work, his lips make hot contact with your neck as he trails down to your shoulder. You instantly arch your neck as your nerves seem to beg for more.

The dress flutters to the ground, leaving you only in your undergarments. Hyuuga began to unclip your bra with one hand as he hooks your underwear with the other. At that same moment, you help him get out of his pants and boxers;feeling his member harden against your touch. You let out a soft mewl as his fingers begin to apply pressure to your lower region; lubricating it with your own pre-cum. Hyuuga wasn't twisted or teasing, he was more of a person that dedicated his body to pleasure you.

As he feels you are ready for him, he lowers himself to your entrance and you feel him take a shaky breath.

"Are-are you okay with this?" He asks an obvious question and you nod as you pull his neck in closer.

You kiss him feverishly as he slowly enters you. Your walls immediately contract in a mesh of pain and pleasure. You hear let out a surprised gasp as he feels your walls tighten in such manner. Your fingers rake at his sweaty bare back as he begins to thrust into you at a slow pace. You let out a cry as he found your g-spot almost immediately, making you soar with ecstasy with every thrust.

You feel your mixed juices flowing down your thighs freely as he continues to pound into you. The only sound to be heard was the sound of skin to skin slapping and a symphony of pleasure coming from your lips. You feel your insides coil and instantly know that you were very close. Junpei's thrusts get sloppier by the second as well, until he gives one final deep thrust as he plants his seed inside of you.

You both shudder and shiver as a bundle of electrical pulses travel through your whole body. You let out an orgasmic cry and he does the same after attempts of controlling himself.

He collapses on you as he pulls out slowly, at this stage he was still coming and he continues to spurt on to your stomach. You feel some of him drip out of you and on to your already sticky legs and let out a few deep pants to bring your breathing back to normal.

"I love you." He mumbles almost sleepily as you cradle his head against your chest.

"I love you too." You whisper back as you give him one last kiss before drifting off to sleep with him in your arms.


"Hyuuga!!! Oh my god!" You call frantically as you rush down the stairs almost tripping over your feet in your haste.

"What is it?! What happened? Are you hurt?!" He rushes to you and you rush into his arms and hold out the white stick that conceived the news. Happy tears run down your cheeks as you struggle to tell the man in front of you.

"I'm...I'm...pregnant!" You exclaim and you watch his face light up in surprise.

"Oh my god. I'm going to be a father?" He breaths almost speechless.

You nod at him while smiling and he suddenly lifts you up in the air and twirls you around.

"This is...this is amazing!" He laughs and you laugh too between your tears.

"God (Your Name). Thank you for being my wife."

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