Jealousy.(Makoto Hanamiya LEMON)

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  Maybe having a girlfriend that was popular was a big mistake. At least, that's what Makoto Hanamiya felt about you. Truth be told, he was madly in love with you. He never really showed affection out in public, and on those rare occasions where he did, it would be rough and violent as always. He couldn't help but treat you that way, because that was the only way a sadistic person like him could stay attached to someone without being tempted to break them in half. However, he decided that he had enough of your pathetically kind persona when he witnesses you getting chummy with a particular Seirin basketball member.

  Makoto already had a short enough temper as it is, but after multiple incidents of watching you both talk and laugh with one another, his blood began to boil at a much quicker timespan. He gritted his jaws together before clenching his fists to keep his cool. He pursed his lips anxiously as he was being tortured by the gales of your laughter. A part of him was demanding why you were so happy, and another part of him wanted to sock the tall man in the face with all he'd got. That's when he decided to stalk over with a menacing glare that would make anything in sight cower. He quickly grabs ahold of your wrist tightly before snapping at the man in front of him.

"H-hey! Makoto! Let go!" you whined as you attempted to pull away from him.

This angers your already furious boyfriend even more, and he expresses his wrath by squeezing down on your wrist even harder.

"O-ow...Makoto...seriously. Let go. It hurts." you breathed helplessly but he pays you no heed.

  He does not utter a single word and you have no choice but to stare into his back as he dragged you back to his apartment. You knew that he wasn't going to say anything even if you tried to make him. So you just remained quiet as you prepared yourself for the worst. Kiyoshi Teppei was like a brother to you, and ever since you transferred to Kirisaki Daichi High, you both remained close friends. Nonetheless, somebody disapproved and even hated to see you around Teppei.

  He slammed the door shut immediately after you and pushes you up against a wall. His fists fly over your head and he punches the walls, trapping you in between his body. You were cornered, yet strangely enough, you didn't feel that threatened by him. After all, things like this happened often in your relationship. Even so, that did not mean that you weren't just as terrified of him.

"I thought I told you to stay away from him." he snarled.

He leaned his face up so close, that you could feel his moist breath on your skin.

"We just ran into each other and happened to start a conversation, Makoto. Nothing happened." you whispered with a trembling voice.

  You immediately regret your words as you watched his eyes flare over with anger. You bring your hands up to your face as he raises his hand behind his head as if he were to hit you. But instead, he lowers it to your cheeks and brings them closer to make contact with his hungry and lustful lips. His kisses were hard and rough, but almost as passionate. As your tongues dance the tango of dominance, he undresses you with expertise. His right hand drops to your thigh and rides up your skirt before his fingers stroke your sex teasingly. A sharp gasp runs out of your mouth at the unexpected sensation between your legs.

"Look at what a slut you are. You're already soaking wet." he chuckled dryly before pulling his slippery fingers out for you to see.

    He purposefully keeps eye contact as he brings them to his mouth before sucking them dry right in front of you. You felt your cheeks flare up in embarrassment and attempted to look away.  But he grips your chin with one hand and quickly unzips his jeans and slips off his boxers with the other. Just as he tosses off his layer of clothing, he lifts you up with ease before tumbling down on to the couch with you in his arms. Your naked and heaving breasts came into view as he pulled back to relish his dominance over his fawn. The soft touch of your skin made his cock twitch dangerously, and he shuts his eyes with his mouth agape as he feels the sensation of your hot hand around it. He hissed in pleasure as you squeezed his pulsating member towards the slippery entrance to your walls.

  As he leans over to adjust his length within you,  your nipples brush against his muscular chest and goosebumps dominated every inch of your skin at the intimate contact. He angled his body as he began to thrust into you relentlessly with a heartless grin plastered on his face. He just loved to watch you try to keep up with his pace as you climbed the cliff to ecstasy. He notices the tightness of your womb and he pants as his orgasm drew nearer and nearer. He takes a moment to savor you before bucking his hips one last time before spilling his seed into you. It wasn't long before you fell from the high end as well, and you arched your back with an inhuman mewl as the spasms shook you to the core. Makoto then pulls out and rests his erection against your belly, spilling some more of his ejaculations on your lower half. Your knees trembled in exhaustion, and you were barely fighting the urge to pass out. Yet Makoto twists your body around and forces you to balance on your knees as he gripped your rear end tightly with his sweaty palms.

"Now...for round 2."

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