Hushed Whispers.(Kise Ryouta)

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-//throws potato-

  After a long day of college and waiting for Kise to finish his photoshoot for the magazine that he was currently working for, you finally had the opportunity to wind down in the apartment that you both rented out together. You both attended the same college, but oddly enough, both had extremely different time schedules, which made it hard to see each other during the day. You both were taking different classes or had different class times for the classes that were similar.

  You always came home early, because Kise would always have some business to take care of right after class, which would usually be more modeling. Meanwhile, you would prepare dinner and also do some housework; anticipating the sounds of Kise coming home.

  Soon enough, you hear the metallic jingle of the keys turning at the door and walk into the living room to greet him with a smile that you usually always gave him. Judging by the looks of him, he lodes pretty tired and bummed out. Even his hair seemed a little duller than usual.

"Welcome home babe. Dinner's ready." You give him a quick kiss on the cheek as he smiles back just as warmly.

"Thanks (Your Name)-icchi. You're the best girlfriend ever." He murmurs as he brings his arms around you for a sweet hug.

"I'll get dinner ready." You begin to pull away until he doesn't release his arms around you.

"Can we stay like this for a while?" He whispers and you give in and snuggle into the crook of his neck.

  You knew that when Kise was out of fuel, he would always get extra clingy. You didn't mind this side of him though, because sometimes it felt refreshing to see a side of him that isn't always happy or positive, after all, he was only human. After a long cuddle, he finally lets go and was ready to eat his dinner.

  After dinner, you enter the bedroom after cleaning up and see Kise curled up on his side of the bed; his soft breathing resonating through the silent room. You lift the blanket up to his waist and ruffle his blond silky hair softly, watching has face as it lights up in a small peaceful smile. You bend down and whisper:

"I love you Kise."



The next morning, you awake to the sun shining through the cracks of your curtains, and as you stir, Kise flips to his side and wraps his arms around your bare waist, nuzzling into your neck; tickling you. He then trails his nose to the back of your ear and whispers something that made you into an early smile.

"I love you too (Your Name)."

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