I Need Your Help.

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I Need Your Help.

Salute Cadets! *salutes you all with the hunger game finger thingy majiggy*

So I don't know if you guys remember, but I mentioned something about filming a Q and A video with another wattpad writer here (). She writes for the phandom and also has a great personal book that I live by. She's a great friend of mine, and we've been childhood friends since we were practically infants. I said that we would do a Q and A, and we never really got around to doing it because we were both just busy. So I deleted the questions that were asked along with the chapters announcing this a few months back.

But I got around to it recently and we decided that we're still up to filming one for our readers. So if you guys don't find it too hassling, it would be a great help if you guys can drop some questions you'd like us to answer. It can literally be about anything really, go all out if you'd like!

Thank you to those who decide to participate and ask us questions! It really does make this easier, because if we don't have people submitting questions, the video will probably not happen. It's all on you guys, whether you want the Q and A video or not, we're just vessels that provide answers after all. I don't know what I am rambling on and on about. SO yeah, if you are interested in asking us questions, please comment them below or private message me if you wish to do so that way.

I look forward to answering your questions.

P.S The video may take some time to film and edit, so it won't be out anytime soon. Just a head's up!



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