Intentional Groping.(Eikichi Nebuya)

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-Enjoy! Typing on my phone right now, so please be lenient if there are any typos present. It's hard keeping track of what I'm typing on my phone. If there are any, just kindly point it out and I will fix them. Thanks.-

  Japan was a very hectic place during the week. Everywhere you went would be bustling with activity. The metro train and bus stations were always the busiest places due to everybody trying to get to one place or another. Ever since you moved to Japan, you loved everything about it. The food was up to par with your taste, and the environment was one of the cleanest and most advanced.

You've been going to school and heading back home by taking the train. Even though it got immensely crowded at times, you didn't really mind because you could just block everything out and enjoy your music before you had to get off. However, you never really expected to have to come across a situation which you only read and watched about in mangas and animes.

It all started off with a simple nudge that you thought was harmless. But you suddenly feel super uncomfortable as someone's hand kept grazing against your backside and thighs. Whenever you tried to move away from the person behind you, they would nudge forward to get even further towards you. You bite your lip in frustration as you couldn't cry out or say anything. It was simply too easy for the culprit to make excuses and even do something even more irrational like hurt somebody.

At that moment, you hear a deep voice behind you and jump as you turn around to see what was going on.

"Oi. Keep your hands off her you pervert." A scary and intimidating voice echoes through the train and the hand near your thigh immediately disperses away from you.

The man scurries out of the train as the door opens with a hiss. You breath a sigh of relief and look up to thank the stranger but you are greeted with a monstrous sight that was even more terrifying.

"Are you alright?" He asks with a concerned look as you turn white as a sheet.

He was massively built, and you could see his bulging muscles through his uniform. You wondered how his thin clothing hadn't burst open yet. Judging by his race, he did not appear to be Japanese. Even through his frightening appearance, he seemed genuinely sincere and caring. You force down your fear and bow slightly thank him for what he had done for you.

"Th-thank you for helping me." You mumble fearfully.

He lets out a loud laugh that scares the shit out of you. At that moment, the train rumbles a little and you lose your balance and smack into his rock-like torso.

"Ouch...." You whimper in English as you rub your nose which absorbed most of the contact.

"Oh? Aren't you the foreign student that was moving into our school this year? Now that I see it, you're wearing our school uniform!" He smiles and the overhead speakers blare with the announcements of the next stop.

"Ah. That is our next stop right?" You ask as you try to reach up and grab the handles for support.

"Yeah. It is. I'll show you around if you'd like. Here, you can hold on to my arm for now so you don't fall." He offers you his buff and thick arm and you were suddenly hesitant.

"Actually, I think I'm oka-"

Just you were about to deny him politely, the train tilts again and you cling on to his arm to prevent from falling. You spend the whole ride like that until you both finally get off the stuffy train.

You try to keep up with his long strides and end up having to jog frequently to match his pace. Nebuya glances down to see you panting slightly and realizes that he had been tactless by not noticing. He slows his pace considerably before opening his mouth to say something.

"I'm Eikichi Nebuya. What's your name?" He introduces himself and you feel grateful that he was going out of his way to get to know you.

"I'm (Your Name). Nice to meet you!" You give him your best smile and you see a twinge of pink on the apple of his cheeks.

"Say..(Your Name). Do you like meat?"



-This oneshot highlights your first encounter with Nebuya. I don't think I did one of them for him. The romance is not really evident, but if you read it thoroughly, you'll probably see it. After all, no-one like acts all romantic on their first encounter...unless they're fuck boys. I hope you enjoyed!-

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