Distractions.(Takao Kazunari)

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  You were on the way in the stadium for Shutoku's next basketball match. Being the manager of the team meant that you had to tag along to show support, as well as do your job by collecting data on the opposite team and making sure that everything needed by the players were supplied. As your team walks together, you feel fingers intertwine yours, you turn your head to see your cheeky boyfriend smirking at you.

"T-Takao..!" You hiss as you realize that you were both in public under the watchful eye of the whole team. Most of them don't say anything at all, but you could practically feel the their eyes searing into your back. Suddenly, you hear Takao let out a painful yell as his body flies forward.

"Teme...this isn't the time for that nonsense. Get your head in the game! Idiot!" Miyaji threatens as his hand is still raised from slapping Takao's back super hard.

  You watch silently as Midorima drags Takao by the collar and into the changing room with the rest of the team. You give a small wave as he waves back; not bothered at all about the fact that he was practically being dragged along the floor.


  You wait outside with your checkbook in your hand as you busy yourself in organizing your tasks for that match. Just as you finish reviewing the player list, the changing room door opens and the whole team files out looking intimidating. Their previous facetious demeanor had vanished, and were replaced with an unflinching aura. You wish them all good luck with a solid nod as they make their way on to the court. As everyone else is stretching and warming up on the way, Takao pauses and turns to you before tilting his face so his cheek is facing you.

"Don't I get a good luck kiss (Your Name)-chan?" He teases.

  You sigh and lean forward to give him a small peck, but as your lips were about to touch his cheek, he quickly turns his face back and your lips end up making contact with his soft lips. You quickly pull away and look around to see if anyone was around with a flushed face.

"G-Go out there and win..okay?" You mutter as you avert your gaze; trying your best to calm your flaming cheeks.

  Takao's usual cheery persona disappears and he is suddenly much more serious. His amber eyes sparkle with excitement and determination as he gives you a small nod before catching up with his teammates. You also begin to take your place on the benches as the referee calls both teams up for the matches to begin. 

  The whole team was totally immersed into the game. Their total concentration and talent laid bare in front of the crowd as the squeaking and grunts echo through the court. Takao's game face was unlike anything you would experience outside of basketball, it truly showed how much passion he had for the sport, and you felt privileged to be a part of it. He would occasionally flash you small smirks and smiles when he could, earning a smile back from you. After winning the match, the team separates and everyone goes their own way to do their own thing before school the next day. Midorima had mentioned briefly that he had to go pick his little sister up and left the two of you to head home alone. 

"Thanks for cheering us on (Your Name)," He smiles brightly and you wave him off. He then takes your hand again and links his fingers with yours once more."Since they're all gone, it's alright to hold hands right?"

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