They React To Someone Hitting You. (GoM)

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-Thank you for requesting! Enjoy! Also, the person hitting you is going to be a male.-


  Kuroko's eyes widen in shock as he witnesses his lover being physically hurt by another. He was never the type to be violent, but this was something of a whole new level. He felt anger boil through his veins as he clenched his fists in fury. He storms up to the man and socks him straight into the jaw before he could react. Maybe it was because of his expertise in passing, but he was surprisingly strong as the impact sends the man flying to the ground; unconscious. Kuroko kneels down beside you and places a hand on your bruised cheek.

"Are you alright (Your Name)?"


  Kise takes a step backwards in shock as he sees a man throw a punch at your face. He watches as you fall to the ground with a cry and his body immediately takes action. He didn't even need to think as he charged at the culprit. As the man tries to swing a punch at him too, he dodges swiftly and sends him flying with a high kick. It was just like something that would come out of an action movie, which was probably the case, since Kise had the advantage of copying things. He rushes over to you and places a hand on your neck as he examines your wounds.

"Your poor face (Your Name)-icchi!"


  Aomine didn't even hesitate before lunging towards the man that raised a hand at his girlfriend. Aomine was known for his exceptional fighting skills, but you would never have thought that Aomine would be this violent in your life. You could clearly see the anger in his face as he pinned him to the ground with his weight while throwing punch after punch at the man's face. You had to pull him off of him and calm him down before he finally stops. He spits on the floor as he wipes at the blood on the corner of his lips. He then turns to you and runs his thumb along the purple bruise beginning to form on the apple of your cheek.

"You okay?"


    You shut your eyes tightly as you expect the blow to your face, but the impact you expected never comes. You open your eyes slowly to see Akashi standing behind the man with his grip on the man's arm. He had his eyes closed for a second, and when he opens them, a chill runs up your spine. His dual colored eyes gleam with anger as he pulls the man's arm back swiftly, almost twisting it a full 360 degrees. You cringe at the sound of his bones cracking and glance at Akashi, who seemed as calm as ever. As the man slumps to the ground in pain, he twirls his pair of scissors between his long fingers as he looks down upon his prey.

"Know your place...scum."


    Midorima walks into the classroom just in time to see the fist connecting with your face. He stands there frozen as he watches you tumble to the ground; knocking  a few tables back as you fall. You try to scramble up and stop your tsundere boyfriend from displaying any violence, but he was surprisingly too quick for you. He shoves the man backwards and socks him straight into the nose, causing the man to be knocked out in a second. He stands calmly as he watches him collapse on to the ground in front of him. He simply rubs his wrists as you see something silver glisten off his knuckles to realize that he had a pair of studded gloves on. He then helps you up and puts an arm around your shaking body before sighing.

"I guess I didn't buy my lucky item for nothing. Are you hurt?"


  Atsushi would check on you first by tilting your chin side to side to examine your bruises. He would completely ignore the man that did this to you until he stands to his maximum height with his back still turned to him. He would then turn around and tackle the man straight into the concrete ground, practically wrestling him to the ground before he passes out completely. Atsushi gets up slowly and brushes the dust and dirt off his shirt before lifting you up into his arms with ease. He holds you protectively, his hair tickling your face.

"I think you need something for your face (Your Name)-chin."

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