Neglect.(Izuki Shun)

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  There is a good reason as to why love is only present in our minds. It's crystal clear to you and your lover, but invisible to others. We as humans, are not to be trusted with it. If love was a real physical thing, we would do everything in our power to alter, use, and weaponise it. The power of love is just that strong. You never really knew how in love you were with Izuki until you embraced it once and for all.

  There is no such thing as a perfect lover, but you really thought that your boyfriend had no flaws. He had the kind of face that would stop you in your tracks just to gaze at. As your feelings for him blossomed, you found yourself glancing in his direction more during classes. You were always conscious of him whenever he was nearby. It was as if you had a radar of some kind that enabled you to experience the bittersweet feeling of unrequited love. Occasionally your eyes would meet, and just as you forced your gaze away from him, he would flash you a small shy smile before returning his attention to whatever he was going. He was handsome right, but on the inside, he was the most beautiful human being.

  High school was hectic, and as every semester passed on, you saw less and less of Izuki. The only time you saw each other briefly was during lunch. He was never free after classes, because he was determined to get to basketball practices. The winter preliminaries were coming up, and you totally understood why he was training so hard. To him, basketball wasn't just a sport that he enjoyed, it represented the evolution of himself. If he couldn't keep up with those that were excelling ahead, he would be left behind. At least, that was his mindset.

  The usually warm conversations morphed into short-lived and painfully necessary ones. In other words, you both only talked when you absolutely needed to say something. Even if it was for an hour during lunch, you would've liked for him to make the effort to keep the relationship stable. It wasn't just painful for you, it was also quite saddening too. Tensions were running high, and the bubble was getting bigger and bigger. Just one wrong poke or pry and the whole thing looked as if it were to burst.

"H-hey Izuki?" you called out softly.

"Hmm?" he replied with his spoon stuck between his lips.

"I-It's just that-" you began.

"Oi Izuki!!! Coach wants to see us for a bit!!" Hyuuga's voice called into the classroom and Izuki turns to you with an apologetic smile.

"Sorry (Your Name). We'll talk later." he reassured.

"O-oh okay...sure." you murmured softly.

  He never remembered that you were both in a conversation when he came back. He just shovelled the rest of his food in his mouth and dashed off to his next class, leaving you feeling emotionally weighty and troubled. You just had so many things to say, but not enough time. You knew that one day, you were bound to just lose all your composure in front of him. And you know what? You were right.

"Sorry (Your Name). What were you saying? I spaced out again." Izuki sighed sheepishly.

"This is the only time we get to sit down and catch up, yet you don't even seem like you care anymore." you hushed with a clouded tone.

You slammed down your spoon on to your tray and the whole classroom goes silent. You realised how  brash you were being, and lowered your head with a small undetectable apology before dashing out the door as quickly as possible. The tears were threatening to spill over, and you quickly manoeuvred through the hallways and stairs until the storage room came into view.  Just as you were about to open the door and shut it closed behind you, someone gripped over the gap between the door and the wall to keep it open.

"(Your Name)! What's wrong?!" He panted as he gritted his teeth to keep the door from slamming shut.

"I-It's nothing! I just need some...time! I'm sorry!" You sobbed freely.

"(Your Name). Talk to me." He whispered painfully.

His helpless voice causes your grip on the doorknob to weaken, and Izuki seized this opportunity to swing the door open before slamming it shut after he enters. In the cramped and dark space, he had no choice but to press himself against you with his hands on the wall beside your head. He trapped you in his arms as he looked you in the eye with a type of fierceness you've never seen before. He  leaned forward and knocked your foreheads gently together before he heaving a little sigh.

"I'm so sorry." you whimpered as the endless tears streamed down your red cheeks.

  He gently placed both of his palms against your cheeks as he cradled your face delicately. A soft smile replaced his painfully stern expression as he then pulled you into his arms tightly.

"Why are you apologising..." he whispered. "I should be the one doing that."

  He gently pulled away before pulling your chin up as he searched for your lips urgently. You could feel  the emotion of guilt in his lip locks, and you placed your hands on his chest as your lips move in sync. When you finally pulled away, he took your hand and pressed his warm lips on it before leaving fluttering kisses.

"I'll never neglect you again. Just know that you're the most important person in my life, and that I will never leave you for anything."



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