Rekindled.(Nijimura Shūzō)

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  You took a big bite of your sandwich that you bought on the way to school as you dash to the main campus where your next class was being held. You had slept in again and if you didn't hurry, you would have been marked tardy, which would have created a bad image on your attendance. As you dash up the stairs, you don't look where you're going and run straight into someone and go crashing on to the ground.

" where you're-" The man above you hisses scarily and you quickly scramble off him and bow deeply.

"I'm very sorry!" You apologize guiltily and then catch a glimpse of the time on your watch and he witnesses your face contort in all kinds of horror. You quickly pick up your books and dash to your class to make it just in time.

  After class, you drag your exhausted body out and walk into the nearby cafe that you worked a job at.  You were seriously beat down when you plop down on to your usual seat next to the window. Classes were hard of course, but with a part time job to help pay for your college funds, it made things a whole lot harder. You weren't sure when the last time you had proper sleep. Your boss tells you to hurry up and get to work, and you call out an answer wearily as you go to change into your uniform.

  At that moment, the front door jingles, signaling that a customer had arrived. You went over to the table they were sitting in and prepared for your usual fake smile and perky personality, when inside you wanted to just slam the menu in their faces.

"I'll take the fried rice and a cup of tea please." The man orders swiftly without hesitating too much.

"Will that be all for-" You smile and begin to look up from your notepad to see the man that you had crashed into a few hours ago. You instantly feel mortified and prayed that he would not notice you.

  He locks eyes with you and nods. You turn away quickly and bring his order to the chef as you begin to clear plates and do what you were supposed to do. His food was done quickly, since it was at a time where not many customers would come by. You place his rice in front of him and pour him a cup of tea as well. Now that you see him more clearly, he was actually a really good-looking man. You would have noticed that early if you weren't running late for class. He had glossy black hair and a beautifully sculpted face. You quickly look away and begin to walk in the other direction when he calls out to you.

"(Your Name)...isn't it?" He calls your name and you spin around in surprise.

"How did you-" You ask,dumbfounded.

"We went to high school together in Japan, and you happened to bump into me at the same college I'm in so..I guess it has been a very long time. You wouldn't remember me." He sounds amused, yet there was a little hint of sadness in his tone. Now that you think about it, he did look like someone that you knew very well.

"Nijimura?" You ask a little hesitantly and his eyes tell you that you guessed correctly.

"It's nice to see you again (Your Name)." He greets simply and you cannot help but clench your fists in anger.

"That's all you have to say to me? You just disappeared across the oceans without a word to me, and I had to find out through your basketball team. You couldn't even tell me that you were leaving! You know how morally crushing that is to a girl that thought she found someone that she could finally love?!" You grit your teeth as your body moves on it's own. 

  You tear off the apron and rush out of the cafe, as you knew that you wouldn't be able to stand him seeing you cry. As if the gods heard your heart cry, the sky rumbled with thunder, and soon enough you were drenched head to toe. You didn't care though. You came across a nearby park and just sat down on one of the benches as you cried. You don't know how long you sat there for, but at one point, you no longer feel the rain pelt your skin anymore. Instead, you could hear the sound rain hitting an umbrella. 

"I couldn't tell you because I knew how sad it would make you. I was naive and scared back then, my father was growing sicker, and I was falling deeper in love with you. I was torn. I'm sorry I made you feel that way," The familiar voice sounded so sorrowful. "(Your Name)-I"

  Before he could finish his sentence, you rush to him and wrap your arms around his neck as you hugged him as close to you ask possible. You were soaking wet, but he didn't seem to mind. He was more surprised at your sudden hug more than anything else.

"I'm sorry that I'm acting so selfish. I know how much your father meant to you. I just really loved know?" You sob into his shoulder.

"Well that past tense is a little depressing. I still love know?" He says as he wraps his free arm around your waist. It sounded as if he was near to tears too.

"You're right. I still love you too."


"Here." Nijimura hands you one of his shirts and you thank him as you put it on. It smelled just like you remembered him.

  The rain wasn't stopping, and your apartment was very far away, so he had insisted that you stayed over for the night at his. As expected of him, his apartment was clean and orderly. He plops a soft towel on your head and begins to rub it into your wet hair. His hands were as gentle as ever. You don't even notice his face being so close.

"(Your Name)." He calls your name and you look up to find his eyes filled with an indescribable emotion.

He gently pulls the towel in, pulling your head in in the process as he leans in to meet your lips. At that moment, everything seemed right. Your lips were perfect with his, and your heart just screamed that this was the right thing to do.

"I really love you."

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