If You Chose Makoto Hanamiya.

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-This is Makoto's route! Enjoy!-

"Where are we going?" You cross your arms in annoyance as you both had been walking through endless darkness for quite some time.

"Can you just shut the fuck up for a second?" Makoto snarls as he throws you a murderous glare through his black hoodie that concealed his face completely.

Before you could say something back, he stops completely and turns around. You feel your heart drop as you could make out two glowing eyes through his concealed face. They were growing brighter by the second, whatever it was, it felt like they were feeding off your fears. You take a step back as sweat begins to trickle down your chin.

"Are you afraid?" The voice cackles and it echoes in the area like you were surrounded by nothing.

You don't answer as he stalks over to your frozen form. He continues to let out small giggles as he examines you.

"I just love it when they make faces like that. It makes me feel almost sorry for you.....hahaha...not.." His voice rumbles into a cough of laughter as he cups your chin in his gnarly slender fingers. "Now I want you to look into my eyes like a good little obedient girl."

Your body begins to shake as he tilts your face closer. As soon as your eyes make contact, you feel yourself being absorbed into a whole new perspective. You open your eyes to find yourself in your own room again. Just as you begin to question it all being a dream, you look down at your hands to find them see through and completely transparent. Something in your mind says that you weren't visible in this world.

You look around to find your younger self staring blankly at the drawing that you had drawn for your father when you were in pre-school. You then crumple it and throw it against the wall and begin to sob.

The scene dissembles to another scene where you were in the kitchen with a failed test being thrown at your already scratched up face. You catch sight of the familiar face that made your blood boil. You try to calm yourself down until someone in your head asks you a trivial question.

"If you could go back in time...what would you do to him?" It retorts almost with amusement.

You slump to your knees as the tears flow down your face freely. The horrible memories he was bringing back was so vivid. You sit there for a few second before you wipe your tears silently. You then walk over to the kitchen counter and pull out a sharp knife, your hands shake non-stop, until something in your mind clicks and you feel nothing but peace, your thoughts were as clear as day.

Suddenly everything begins to turn real. You could feel yourself at what felt like the real you. In front of you is a mirror. You look into it to find your whole body drenched in blood as you scramble away from it to bump into a hard muscular chest.

You turn around to see Makoto grinning down at you. He pulls you into his arms roughly as he tilts your chin up once again. You look into his cold smirking eyes as he draws closer to you.

"I knew you had it in you (Your Name). Welcome to Hell."

Kuroko no Basket Imagines {Continued}.Where stories live. Discover now