Fairytales.(Imayoshi Shoichi)

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    There were always bad guys and good guys in fairy tales. Every little girl's dream was to have a handsome prince sweep them off their feet and take them to a happily ever after that didn't exist. What these little girl's don't know, is that this type of prince charming never exists in only pure good form, of course, five year old girls that wear pink plastic tiaras would have no idea what the duality of humans could possibly ruin their precious little dreams.

  You were also once that little naive girl. You were one of those who believed that you could just sit there and wait to be rescued. Living in a hell hole meant having to suffer through abuse and troubles alone, desperately hoping that someone would come save you. That's when you decide to save yourself, you were tired of waiting for the one that would never come.

  You ran away and joined a Gang who called themselves the Generation of Miracles. Soon enough you were inked with tattoos and had completed the most basic training courses set up by this large association. That's when you met one of your partners in crime. As soon as you set eyes on him, you knew he was the one that would never come.

Imayoshi was a sly fellow, he sometimes reminded you of a sneaky fox that would do anything in it's ability to piss off the bear. He would constantly get into fights or make trouble, then quietly remove himself from the situation when it got dirty. It was just his way of being himself, and nothing could change that.

You sat at the edge of the abandoned building and lit up a cigarette as you bring it to your lips. You look down at the other small buildings and breath out a puff of smoke.

"A young lady like you shouldn't be smoking." A familiar accent called out to you from behind you.

'A young man like you should mind his own damn business, Imayoshi." You retort back as you blow a mocking puff of smoke in his face.

He was not react that much, in fact, he just gives you a smirk that could mean anything.

He sat down next to you silently and he offers you a can of ice cold beer.

'Where'd you get these?" You comment as you crack open the can, listening to the satisfying crunch of the metal and release of the gas.

"Stole'em." He answered as you shake your head at how casually he had said those words.

The sky begins to glow into a faint orange as the sun drops below the mountains; the moon beginning it's shift of the day. You take a long sip of your beer and sigh. You feel a pair of eyes on you and turn your head to meet eyes with the black-haired man.

"Did I ever tell you that your eyes are really really small? Do you even open them?" You tease meanly and earn a chuckle from him as he says nothing once more.

"So...tell me about yourself." He suggests as he sets down the empty can.

"Nah." You shrug as you too, toss the empty can.

'Why not?" He wonders.

"My life story isn't exactly a fairy tale." You answer as the sky finally darkens completely.

"Well it is now...since I'm your Prince fucking Charming." He judges your arm slightly and you cannot help but smile.

"You wish, No Eyes." You nudge back.

"You hurt me (Your Name)..you really do." He smiles as he begins to get up.

Just before he disappears to join the rest of the gang, he calls out your name, and as you turn around he tosses you something shimmery.

You catch it with one hand and see a silver necklace with a pendant with a small clock that stays struck at 12.

"Better run princess." he turns back around as he walks away swiftly, leaving you to think for a second before you all headed out to do things a princess would never do.

You smile to yourself and put on the necklace as you look up at the array of stars.

Maybe I did find my Prince fucking Charming.

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