Midorima Shintaro (The Christmas Present)

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-Enjoy! Contains hints of sexual content!-

"Mmmm.." you groan as you feel the bed dip up beside you.

You squint through the lamp light that was turned on to see Midorima getting dressed. You didn't have to glance at the clock to know that it was beyond early, even for Boxing Day. Midorima was like this every morning. Sometimes, you wished that he would just take a break from all his determination and sheer passion to better himself. He is a clever man, but he can be stubbornly stupid when it comes to balancing self-betterment and taking opportunities for leisure.

He freezes as he hears you stirring underneath the bedcovers. He usually leaves to go out for a run without making a noise, but today it seems that he was a lot clumsier than before. Perhaps it is because his body is still sore from last night, resulting in him being less fluid with his movements. You pretend to remain asleep until he bends over you to give you a quick but soft kiss to the cheek. Just as he is about to straighten up again, you trap him by wrapping your arms around his neck in a death grip before pulling him back into bed with you.

"What the-!" he tries to cry out but his sound is muffled by his face being shoved into your chest. (AY US SMALL BOOBS MIGHT JUST BREAK HIS FACE LMAO. JK JK)

"Shintaro, it's Christmas." you mumble as he tries to pry himself off you.

"(Your Name)!! Let go! Nanodayo!" he grunts.

However, you wrap your thighs around him with a double lock and soon he gives up and collapses on top of you and lays very still. You hold that position for a few minutes before you loosen your arms. Immediately, he lifts himself up and unconsciously straddles you. Your arms are pinned to the bed and just as you make eye contact with your lover, his cheeks flush deep red. That's when you realise that the loose shirt you had on was hanging off your shoulder and on the verge of exposing your chest. You don't exchange a single word as you lean up to his ear to whisper something beyond lewd.

"I know we agreed not to exchange gifts...but will you accept my body as one?" you hush.

Midorima doesn't reply at all. Usually, he would have been severely ticked off and would give you an earful if he wasn't in the mood. But it seems that he cannot resist your surprising offer. His breath hitches as your hands trail down to his boxers.

"Merry Merry Christmas Shintaro."

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