Kuroko Tetsuya (The Christmas Dinner)

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After running a few errands for the annual christmas decorations for the house, you come home to be greeted with the pleasant aroma of chocolate. You take a long sniff as the scent wafts into your nose. Before you know it, your mouth was beginning to salivate and you had to swallow hungrily before heading towards the kitchen in hopes to get a bite of whatever was cooking in the oven.

"I'm back!" you singsong as you prance in with merry spirit.

"Welcome back." Kuroko greets you with a modulated tone.

"Something smells good." you hint as you peer around you to see ingredients all over the table.

"Ahh..that must be the chocolate brownies in the oven. They're just about done." he answers softly before heading towards the oven while pulling on cute pink mittens.

"Can I pleaseeee have one?" you beg as you wrap your arms around his waist from behind him.

"(Your Name)...no." he sighs as he wags his finger at you sternly as if you were Nigou.

"B-but...pleaseeee...!" you plead again as you pull off your best puppy dog face.

You watch as Kuroko's face softens before he cuts you a small slice from the tray. He then pops it into your mouth. HIs thumb runs along your bottom lip as he pushes it in gently, and you cannot help but blush at the sexual tension between the two of you. It was practically thick enough to cut through with a knife. Just then, the doorbell rings and you quickly break apart from his touch to go and answer the door. You had guests that were arriving for a christmas dinner.

"Kagami! It's been such a long time! Come in!" you exclaim with joy as you were reunited with your high school friend.

"Yo (Your Name)! It's been a while! This is uh...this is my wife and son." he gestures shyly at the two additions to his family and you cannot help but smile ear to ear.

"Hello! It's nice to meet you! Please come in!"


The christmas dinner that Kuroko prepared was amazing. Actually, 'amazing' would be an understatement. You still wonder how on earth he managed to prepare everything perfectly without any of your help or assistance. However, it didn't seem like anything was going to go to waste because Kagami and his son had the appetite of a tiger.

"So...(Your Name)! Planning to have any kids anytime soon?" Kagami jokes as he reaches over for another slice of turkey.

You choke on your mashed potatoes as Kagami raises an unexpected question. You quickly compose yourself and glance towards Kuroko. He seemed genuinely curious as he leans over the table while waiting for you to answer. Your face flares up with heat and you cannot help but let out a small nervous laugh.

"W-well...we've been trying-" your voice suddenly sounded several pitches higher.

"OH! I see. My bad. That was pretty tactless of me. Old habits die hard! Right Kuroko?" Kagami smiles knowingly.

"Pass the bread Kagami-kun."

"Eh?! Why do you sound mad?!"


After Kagami and his family leaves, you both decide to have a cup of hot chocolate in front of the warm and cozy fireplace for the rest of the evening. Ever since Kagami brought up the topic of having a baby, you couldn't stop thinking about it.

"(Your Name)..." he hums into your hair.

"Yeah?" you answer as you look up at him.

"Don't worry too much about the whole kid thing. When the time comes, it will surely happen." he reassures you gently and you cannot help but smile.

"Thanks Kuroko...but I do want to have a baby with you." you murmur as you nuzzle into his embrace in embarrassment.

"I feel the same way (Your Name)." he whispers before tilting your chin up to bring his lips on to yours for another long and savoury kiss.

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