Comfort.(Reo Mibuchi)

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-Guis Reo is gay AF. I have this 20 year old japanese friend, and he says that the way he talks is the stereotypical style in which japan categorizes as gay. It is also canon that he has an interest in his own team -wiggles eyebrows-  HE IS TOO FAB FOR ME.Anyway enjoy your fluff! Thank you for requesting!-

   Reo Mibuchi was the type of boyfriend that enjoyed the attention that you would give him. He always liked attentive girls, but that was just a perk of your ever so attractive personality. You would make him cute bentos almost everyday after noticing that he would always buy lunch at the convenience store, and he would be extremely happy every single time, his face just lighting up as soon as he opens it. You also support him in many ways as you can, you attend every one of his games and cheer him on along with everyone else on the roster and bleachers. Even through a crowd of people, the only person he wanted to impress was you. The most important thing that you do for him, is that you take care of him whenever he's not his best.

  When you heard that Reo collapsed during basketball training, you were off into the halls almost at the speed of light. By the time you opened the door to the infirmary, you were out of breath and also exhausted from the flight of stairs that you had to climb to get there. You look up to see Reo propped up on the bed, when he notices you at the door, he smiles warmly as you bustle in demanding to know what was wrong.

"He has a high fever from overworking himself, so I suggest that he goes home." The nurse nods kindly as she goes to fill out a consent form for his absence.

"Ah..I think I'm alright, I can't miss training..." He says meekly as he looks down in defeat.

  You knew how much basketball meant to your boyfriend, you also knew that Akashi wouldn't find it amusing that he had to skip practice because of his own carelessness. You sigh as you reach over and flick his forehead just enough so he could feel the sting.

"Don't be stupid and go home already, I'll come by this evening so don't worry about missing me." You  joke cheerfully as Reo breaks into a small chuckle.

"Thanks (Your Name)...really." He whispers softly as he leans over to kiss you on the cheek softly before the nurse came back.


  You hurry home and begin to make a meal that consisted of some porridge and some chicken soup for Reo. You then wrap it up and head over to his house. You were greeted by his mother who seemed happy enough to see you visit his sick son. As you mention that you had brought food, her face falls a little as she looks a little sympathetic.

"Ah..Reo isn't able to eat anything right now. I tried making him some comfort food, but he ended up being sick..he really does need some food though. Let's hope he can stomach some." she says worriedly and you nod solemnly.

  As you enter his room , the first thing you notice is that it was really dark. The curtains were all drawn and on the bed, you see Reo, who was sound asleep. He didn't look to comfortable in his sleep, as his eyebrows were furrowed and shiny sweat dripping off his face. You quickly replace the towel on his head with a cold ice pack and wipe down his sweat before sitting at the edge of the bed; your hand over his tightly as you rub comforting circles.

  As he begins to stir, he opens his eyes slowly and smiles sleepily as he sees your face.

"(Your Name)'re here.." He breaths as he runs his fingers along the apples of your cheeks before he begins to cough.

  You pat his back gently and then set up the food you had brought on a small tray. He brings the spoon to his lips hesitantly; prepared for the worst, you watch anxiously as he swallows. Reo's face lights up as he brings another spoonful to his mouth.

"This is delicious (Your Name). Thank you." He says gratefully.

  Throughout the whole night, you took care of him and tended to his every need. As it was getting pretty late, Reo notices you nodding off in your chair and he couldn't help but feel so much love for you. As your body tips forward, he catches you gently and brings you into the bed, wrapping his long arms around your waist protectively as he rests his chin on your head. He listens to your soft breathing for a while, before his own eyelids grow heavy. 


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