Hot Springs.(Izuki Shun LEMON)

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"We're finally here!" Izuki stretches as the team makes their way out of the bus.

"My muscles are aching so fucking much." Kagami groans as he twists his neck.

You emerge from the bus last because you didn't want to get shoved or accidentally stepped on in the process. The whole team consisted of really tall players if you disregard Kuroko, so it was pretty easy to hurt you unintentionally. Actually, that has been happening a lot more ever since you took on the job of being their manager. It would be a miracle if you didn't come out of the gym without a single bruise. Sometimes, you just forget that they are of the tough male species.

Just as you think that you've made it out safely, you miss your footing and your whole body just goes hurtling forwards. All the sitting probably made your legs unreliable at that moment. Thankfully, someone in particular was watching you, and was quick to react.

"Careful!" Izuki scolds sharply as he catches you in his formidable arms.

"Whoops." you mutter with your hand behind the back of your head sheepishly.

Izuki clicks his tongue and shakes his head at you before ruffling your hair fondly. Just as he opens his mouth to say something, Riko tugs at your arm and practically drags you over to the changing rooms. You look back at him and give him a small timid wave before turning around to whine at Riko some more. Izuki watches you go and hardly even notices his lips tugging up into a tender smile.

"Why do you have that stupid look on your face?" Hyuuga questions suspiciously before Izuki quickly wipes the grin off his face to avoid being pressured into telling everybody that you were his girlfriend.

In fact, you both have been dating for quite some time now. Everyone was just dim enough to not notice anything fishy going on. You both tried to keep the relationship as secretive as possible, but things were becoming more evident now, and keeping it between the two of you was now becoming usually hard. Izuki shakes off the fear of everybody finding out before heading into the men's changing rooms himself.

"Riko, I don't know how to get to the hot springs." you call out unsurely.

"Just turn right then walk ahead and you'll find it!" she calls back from the showers and you thank her before heading out on your way.

You tighten the towel around your body as you shiver from not having anything on besides that. Just then, you spot the wooden door and assume that it was the hot tubs and make a straight beeline towards it in desperation. You could almost feel your lips turning blue from the cold. You look up into the steam to see Izuki and the rest of the boys' basketball team staring at you in complete shock. Your cheeks immediately heat up and you avert your eyes before turning around in preparation to dash out and languish in self hatred. Being your usual clumsy self, the floor being wet and made out of bumpy stones before once crossed your mind. But when it does, it is much too late to do anything. As you attempt to catch your balance, you let go of the towel that was preserving your dignity.

"(Your Name)!" You hear a familiar voice call out almost angrily and immediately feel his arms around your chest.

You realise that Izuki had made it just in time to shield you from the eyes of the other men behind you. You take that opportunity to quickly grab the slipping towel before wrapping it securely around your body. The tears of embarrassment begin to spring up and you wriggle out of your boyfriend's embrace before running out. You should have known that you couldn't outrun a basketball athlete, because he catches up to you quickly and grabs on to your arm tightly.

"(Your Name). Look at me." he hisses with an assertive voice and you obey with tears still streaming down your face.

"Nobody saw anything." he reassures you calmly but you shake your head furiously.

"N-no...YOU did," you breathe as you cover your face with your hands. "I'm so ashamed of every inch of my body, how could I face you now that you've seen it?"

"Wh-what are you talking about?! You're beautiful!" Izuki exclaims in angry astonishment at your words.

"You're just saying that because-" you hiccup.

You don't even get to finish your sentence before he grabs on to your hand and pulls you towards a path that was different from the one from which you came from. He opens the door and you see an empty hot spring room through your blurry tears. You were distraught and confused, but he gives you a serious look before leading you into the hot water as he gets in himself. The towel around his crotch floats to the top and you look at him in disbelief, waiting for him to say something.

"Are you mad at me?" you whisper as you wrap your arms around your quivering shoulders to calm yourself.

"Yes." he answers simply.

"Why?" you avert your gaze as he pulls his body closer to you.

"Because you believe all that stuff you said about yourself back there," he replies softly as he cups your cheek. "Right now, I really want to show you how beautiful you are to me. Will you let me touch you?"

Your words hitch in your throat and you look into his cool and tranquil eyes and find your composure. You give him a little nod and he waits a little bit in case you were to change your mind. After a few minutes of silence tick by, he pulls your chin in and your lips come crashing together. His hand slips down to your waist as your kisses deepen even more. You feel yourself getting aroused against your will and moan through his lips as he begins to fondle your breasts. At that moment, he forces his lips away from yours and looks you in the eye once again.

"Are you sure you want this?" he pants with eyes full of lust and urgency.

"Yes." you reply simply before he gives you one of his soft grins.

He pulls you in for another hot kiss before pulling you up on to the lower half of his body. He takes his sweet time teasing your entrance with his already erect member. Your legs were bent and his body was between your knees. He lets out a gasp and moan as you lower yourself on to his length. The tears spring forth as you feel the searing pain as you push all of him into yourself. He gives you a moment to adjust.

"Are-are you okay? Should we stop?" He wheezes.

"N-no. Izuki...move." you whisper as you wrap your arms around his neck.

At your convincing words, Izuki begins to thrust his pelvis. He angles his hips to hit your sweet spot and you begin to cry out in ecstasy. You quieten as his lips mute your endless mewls of pleasure. You feel yourself tighten as you climb towards your climaxes together. Izuki must have felt your walls tightening around his member. He thrusts a couple more times before buries himself right to the hilt as you feel him twitch from inside you. A few seconds after he comes, you shudder as you clench around him and rake your fingers across his back as the electrifying spasms run through your whole entire body. You collapse on to him and he wraps his arms around your body in a sweet embrace.

For once in your life, you felt wanted, loved and beautiful.


Dear Readers,

I hope you enjoyed this lemon! It's pretty long though, LOL. I honestly cannot wait for February because I'll be stopping by Singapore for the weekend. I can't wait to try out their vegan restaurants and food. It may be hard though. Oh well! I just have to get through it! Just wondering if any of you guys are from Singapore? Let me know! I'll be heading out to do some shopping, so I hope you have a good night/ day wherever you are around the world!



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