Legless Love.(Merman!Aomine x Reader)

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You walk across the dock on your bare feet as you basked in the warm summer breeze. You felt your skin soaking up the hot sun rays and took a deep breath of the sea's scent. Your feet pattered along the sun baked wood until you decided to sit down at the edge of the boat, hanging on to a piece of rope.

"Milady...that's dangerous! Please come back at once!" A maid rushes over and you are obliged to obey.

You let out a sad sigh as you get up. You never have the time to relax even for once in your life. Being the princess of a royal family meant that you had a huge weight put on to your shoulders. You were expected to behave and act accordingly and also never to fail at any given task.

In reality you just want to be free and do what you pleased. The freedom you longed for quickly disappeared as you slowly went down to the compartment of your room. The room was magnificent, it didn't look like a room on a cruise, more like a room from a fancy 5 star hotel. You plopped on to your bed and buried your face into it, wishing you were born normal.

When you lift your head up, you realize that you had fallen asleep. Just as you were wondering what time it was, the boat tilts to the side violently and you topple over and crash into the ground. You groan in pain as you rub your shins. You then dash up to the dock and are instantly blinded by the pouring downpour of rain. It stings your eyes as you push yourself against the wind that was holding you immobilized.

"Miss!! Please get back inside!" Your butlers and maids try to hold you back but you pull them off as you make your way towards your parents, who seemed to be dangling on with their life.

"Mom!! Dad!!" You scream and at that moment a crackle of thunder rumbles and the boat tilts again.

You lose your balance and feel yourself tripping over the edge of the boat. Then the falling sensation follows. When you hit the water full force, you are thrown into the water like a rag doll in a blender and you feel your mind going blank and hazy until it fades to total darkness.

The next time you awake you feel sand sticking to your neck in discomfort and cough out the excess water. As you focus your eyesight, you see someone staring down at you with a worried expression. You realize that it's a man and accidentally head butt him.

"What the fuck?!" The man exclaims and you scoot away from him in alarm.

As you do so, you notice his muscular torso, but something that almost sent you screaming like a siren. His lower body morphed into a long dark silvery blue tail. The scales glimmering in the morning sunlight. He flicks his tail upwards in annoyance as he watches you stare.

"Oi. It's rude to stare." He comments and you quickly look away.

"Sorry. I was just...shocked for a moment." You take in a deep breath as you run your hand through your hair.

"How on earth did you end up getting thrown into the sea? I thought you were a goner when I saw you floating." He asks as he peers into your face.

"There was a storm..the ship..." You begin to remember and your body trembles.

"Hey. Chill will you? The ship's fine. I'll take you back." He says as he motions towards the sea.

"I-I can't breath underwater." You remind him and he sighs.

"Well you can now." He murmurs.


"A merman's kiss can temporarily allow you to breath underwater." He averts his gaze as you notice a small hint of red on the apples of his high cheeks.

"That means-"

"God...yes. I had to. You weren't fucking breathing!" He exclaims and you can't help but blush.

"O-okay I get it." You mumble as you pull yourself up and walk towards the sea.

The water was luke warm and crystal clear. You submerged yourself under and took a deep breath to realize it was just like breathing in air. You hear a splash beside you and see the merman beside you. He offers you a hand and you take it.

"Hold on tight. I swim quite fast, and your puny legs won't get that far under there." He smirks and instantly he takes off.

Before you know it, you both break the surface and you look up to see the cruise in a short distance away.

You don't realize that his arms were wrapped around your waist protectively from the swimming as you both look out at the beautiful sunset in silence.

"I never asked for your name." You hear his deep voice murmur once more.

"(Your Name)." You respond softly as you turn to him.

"(Your Name) huh? It's a nice name. Mine's Aomine." He smiles for the first time and you feel your heart clench painfully.

"I don't want to go back." Your voice sounds thick with emotion.

"You don't have to...you know?" He hesitates as he utters these words.

"What do you mean?" You ask with wonder.

"You can stay with me. I can give you the power to change from human to mermaid. However, in contact of sea water, you will transform into a mermaid involuntarily. It's a big responsibility. You have to conceal the existence of the merfolk from the humans. You don't have to go back." He says as he draws a little closer.

"You would do that for me?" You ask softly as you lean in even more.

He wraps his silky tail around your human legs softly and draws his lips to yours.

"Of course."

How do mermaids have sex?


Hope you enjoyed.

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