What If They Were Mermen.(GoM)

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-It's been such a long time since I've done one of these "What If" oneshots. Enjoy!-


  Kuroko Tetsuya lives in the turquoise waters that reflects vibrant colours of natural light on to the ceiling of the dark and contrasting cave. He'd take the underwater tunnels that are linked to the outside sea occasionally, but he likes his own habitat even more. He has the mysterious power of concealing himself when he's underwater, which is very helpful when he needs to hide or catch his prey. You come across him as an explorer of the dangerous island, and he watches you through his observative eyes for days as you dip your foot into the lukewarm water whenever you come to visit. He could've easily dragged you down and drowned you, but he finds you just as intriguing. When he finally finds the courage to call out to you, you accept him for who he is gradually and he offers to give you a tour of his home. Mermen are supposed to be the ones to capture the hearts of humans, but today it is the other way around, as he falls head over heels in love with you.

"You're very beautiful, (Your Name)."


    You want to experience the pleasantries of the waterfall in Japan. But instead you stumble across what appears to be a merman bathing in the crystal-like lake. You would've screamed and ran for it, but his beauty captivates you. The way the water droplets reflect off the lazy afternoon sun sent your head sky high, and how his golden tail flicks upwards as he teases the tree nymphs above him brings joy to your heart. His soft laughs flutter with the wind and sends shivers up your spine. He finally notices you admiring him when you take a step forward to reveal yourself. Kise's breath hitches in his throat as the shock of being discovered hits him, but he is also out of breath from noticing how beautiful you look. He gives you a vibrant smile as he basked in the way you looked at him in awe. He extends his hand and offers to take yours with a small wink.

"Do you want to come in for a swim?"


  After another round of arguing with your current partner, you are left alone at the beach as he stormed back to the car to drive off without you. All your dates always end like this, today was supposed to be a great time with him, but he seems to have been in a very bad mood. You step into the ocean and the waves greet you with a warm splash. You strip down into your swimsuit that you have on underneath and plunge into the unusually warm water. You exhale and the bubbles caress your heated face as the tears threaten to spill over. Your lungs burn for air, but you ignore it. You want to submerge your rampant emotions for little longer, maybe even forever. At that moment, you feel like you are being watched by something and your eyes flicker open. You almost choke as you see a strange man watching you with eyes filled with curiosity. You see a twinge of blue before he presses his lips against yours to keep you from passing out. He then quickly and powerfully pulls you up with such powerful force, and then you realise that he had a long tail as his lower half. As you both break the surface, you reflexively cling to his neck as you splutter out the water you had swallowed on the way up. You hear the man heave a sigh before ruffling your hair a little too roughly.

"Why's a pretty human babe like you crying in a dangerous place like this?"


  Akashi is a weird specimen. By day, he is a successful businessman who managed to capture the hearts of thousands of human women around the world. However, whenever the sun goes down he retires for the evening and disappears. He never attends any night parties or dinner events, as he seems to have endless excuses not to do so. He met you through one of the meetings held as his workplace one afternoon, and then he decided to employ you as one of his managers. For some reason, he never can take his eyes off you whenever you are around. You are a smart one too, and so you begin to notice his abnormal absences. One day you decide to follow him home, because you're genuinely curious as to what he is up to at night. Maybe you are a little anxious that he has a woman waiting for him every evening, but you don't admit thinking that. Strangely enough, you end up at an isolated beach area and the chilly wind begins to blow. You catch him just in time as he shoves off his expensive suit and strips down completely. You almost lose your eyesight and your cheeks burn. Suddenly, as if he just realises that he is being watched, he turns to you when he is already waist deep in the ice cold salt waters. You watch and gasp as you watch him transform into his true form. His scales glow crimson red, and his gills flutter to the waves. He doesn't seem surprised, more like accepting. He gives you a small smile before running a hand through his drenched hair.

"I guess you have me all figured out now."


  Midorima's kind only flourishes in areas with lots of greenery. That's how their scales and hair colours adapted to their surroundings. However, as trees and rainforests are being cut down mercilessly, his type's population grows scarce. In fact, he's the only one left in his habitat. It is terribly lonely for him, as he has nobody to talk to or even communicate through. Even though he didn't mind chatting up the elves and monkeys from time to time, having nobody meant he didn't learn how to hold a conversation properly, let alone have to come face to face with a human woman. And that is exactly what happens. He bolts upright from his seaweed covered rock and his mouth hangs open at the sight of you. He can hear every single pant and inhale coming from you, and judging by the rainforest gear and attire, you are part of the animal rescue committee. He always would see some of them lurking around, but it is the first time where one of their kind decided to approach him. He has deadly poison ten times stronger than the Dendrobatidae frog, and everybody knows that. To avoid killing everything he touches, he wraps his fingers with tight seaweed links, and you notice that first. As you ask about his wellbeing, he coughs nervously and scratches his ear nervously before turning his head to ignore you. It takes weeks to have him open up to you, but it's well worth it because you feel your own heart flutter when he gives you his first smile.

"You're a really strange one, (Your Name)."


  Legend says that there is a magnificent mountain where mystical creatures lived amongst the heavy snowing conditions and harsh weather. Nobody really believes it, but you want to fulfil the dream of finding out for yourself. What if they actually existed? You are one to be driven by curiosity, so you set out on the journey to scrounge through the deepest and scariest crevices of Mount Amai. As you set out on your journey, you start to regret your decisions when the altitude sickness sets in to immobilise you in the middle of a huge blizzard. You feel the blood gushing through your nose and on to the snow white ground before completely passing out on top of it. When you awake, you expect to see Jesus kneeling over you to greet you with a "you're stupid" sticker. But instead you come face to face with a lilac-haired giant who has his face all up in yours. You flinch away and look around to see purple sakura trees fluttering down on an ocean-like hot spring. Before you can even react or scream for that matter, the strange man shoves couple of the petals in your mouth and commands you to chew it with a lazy click of his tongue. It quickly dissolves in your mouth and the sweetness perks up on your tongue. His cheeks flush as he lets out a childish laugh before bringing handfuls into his own mouth.

"I know, they taste sweet right? You'll be okay, so why don't you stay with me?"

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