Phobia.(Midorima Shintaro)

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-Hello hello, my readers! I've just decided to update since I felt like writing to freshen up my mind. The '~~~' means the rest of the oneshot will be in Midorima's POV! Anyway,  please enjoy!-


"No mommy, please! I swear I didn't do it! I'm sorry! So please don't lock me in here! It's scary!"

"You are such a useless child. Maybe it would be better off if you disappeared into the darkness."

  Your eyelids fly open and you jerk up from your damp bed

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  Your eyelids fly open and you jerk up from your damp bed. It takes quite some time to steady your hammering heart and staggering breathing patterns. Even after realising that you are experiencing another one of your countless nightmares, the hopeless tears stream down your face in a steady stream. You are so very tired; tired of having to be plagued with the horrors of your past that you didn't seem to have the will to let go of.

  You find yourself pouncing off the bed and practically ripping your curtains aside to soak in the slow but steady sunrise. It is still ominously dark outside, and just thinking about the shadows that lurked around you makes your skin crawl. As a child you would wake in the middle of the night and wish desperately for the sun to take its shift faster. The darkness worried you immensely, as the images of the unknown creatures loitering somewhere beyond your vision sent you into a panic. Not much has changed since that period of your childhood. The fear sits quietly within the depths of your mind, slowly eroding your sanity without you even realising. But you do know one thing, and that is how little time you have until it decides to strike and consume you whole.

  As if things weren't bad enough inside your mind, school is dreadful. You didn't really mind the studying and homework aspect of it, but it always has something to do with the people around you. There is a saying that 'the only person who can truly understand you'. You find yourself relating more and more to those words as days of school pass by. You felt vulnerable and out of place, and that was exactly how the other kids viewed you. After all, how can you expect them to see anything different, when even you are convinced that you are nothing?

 After all, how can you expect them to see anything different, when even you are convinced that you are nothing?

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"Hey! I'm talking to you!" a voice hisses as a shove follows the verbal assault.

"S-sorry." you breath out softly, completely unsurprised by the sudden gesture.

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