Surveillance.(Reo Mibuchi LEMON)

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  You dashed along the hallways of the office with a pile of paperwork pressed to your chest. The deadlines were an hour ago, and you completely forgot about handing them in. You reached your coordinator's room and slam them down before leaning over the table to heave out a few words of an apology.

"Ara...(Your Name), you need to try and make deadlines, sweetheart." Reo sighed as he shook his head from side to side.

  As he does so, you catch a whiff of the scent of his shampoo and your nerves relax a little bit. It was a very familiar smell by now, since you both have been living together since last year.

"Reo! Don't call me that at work! We've had a couple of close calls already." you whispered as you turned around to check the closed door anxiously.

"My bad, darling." 

"Reo!!" you warned him with a glare.

  The tall man lets out a soft playful giggle before reaching over to brush an extra strand of your hair behind your ear fondly. He leaned over your lips and pecked them affectionately before moving in closer to shorten the distance between your bodies. You caught one look at his lustful eyes and you knew that there was no stopping him. Even so, you would be lying if you said you weren't in need of his attention.

"W-we can't be doing this..Ah!" your words are cut off by the sensation of his hand sliding down your sodden undergarments.

His cheeky fingers manoeuvred around the material that covered your sex before applying pressure to make you squeal once again.

"You say that...yet you're already so wet for me." Reo hushed seductively before using both of his large hands to slip the clothing of your lower half down to your ankles.

  He then unzips his pants with one fluid movement to expose his fully erect member prodding at his boxers. You reached over and squeezed his scrotum to earn respective moans and groans from your office lover.

"That's not fair...(Your Name)-chan, teasing me like that." he gasped.

  Almost roughly, he grabbed on to your hips and lifted you up with ease before lowering you down on to his throbbing member. You throw your head back as you feel his length penetrate your walls, but you cover your mouth quickly to avoid the cries of ecstasy from reaching beyond the room. After he buries himself to the hilt, he begins to thrust into you with occasional moans.

  You feel his grip on your rear end tighten as he pumped his hips up and down mercilessly. Your muscles begin to weaken from the sensations of skin to skin contact and you could barely hang on to him with your shivering arms and legs. Reo noticed your growing fatigue and leans you over his desk before resuming his pace from behind you. The lude sounds of skin slapping helped you climb to the peak, and just as you are about to come crashing down, you feel him give your cunt one hard thrust before letting out a mesh of moans. He twitches between your walls and you feel his seed filling you up to the rim. You shiver as he reached his end point first, and the trembling got worse as yours hits you right after. Finally, with an ecstatic sigh, he pulls out and spills the juices all over the ground.  You watch as it splatters to the ground and look up at him imploringly.

"It looks like we just made a big mess (Your Name). Oops." he pants.

At that moment, you catch sight of the black object in the corner of the room and your eyes widen with horror.

"Reo...Is that a surveillance camera?"

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