Snow.(Kuroko Tetsuya)

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"Come on Daiki...just admit that we're lost."  Momoi moans as you trail along beside her; stumbling over the branches hidden in the bed of white snow.

  You were invited to go on a hike with the group of basketball prodigies and you glad accepted. Momoi seemed particularly excited because she intended to do some match-making. However, so far, the trip was going downhill. You all ended up getting lost in the middle of the woods, and were practically trudging along snow in circles. You had not complained yet, but the rest of the group were beginning to grow restless.

"Aomine-icchi I'm tiredddd..." Kise whines as he clings on to Kuroko; who seemed slightly annoyed with the blonde man as usual.

"I knew this was a bad idea nanodayo!" Midorima grumbles as he hitches his glasses up his nose in annoyance.

" you know where you're going?" Akashi sighs as he rubs the bridge of his nose.

"(Your Name)-chin..can you help me open this bag of crisps?" Atsushi shoves a bag of chips in your arms and you proceed to work on opening it without question. As you succeed, you hand the bag back and begin to explore your surroundings.

  Despite having been lost for a while, the scenery was still quite stunning. The pearl white snow was as beautiful as ever. You catch sight of a few icicles as they glimmer in the sunset. Before you know it, you had fallen behind, and no-one had noticed. You turn your attention back to expect to see your friends right in front of you, but they are no where to be seen. They must have turned a corner without you. Your heart begins to thud as you realize that you had been separated from the group.

  You try to calm yourself before looking around desperately in search of a clue to where they went. The sky was beginning to get dark, and even colder with that. There was no use in trying to follow footsteps, because many travelers had left their own tracks, and you could end up even more lost than you already were. You sigh and decide to sit against a tree after giving up. You've been wandering  around for ages, and you were beginning to get tired.

  The sun disappears completely, and you were left in the dark woods alone. All the thoughts of the dangers lurking at night made you shiver. It wasn't just that that was making chills run down your spine, the weather had gotten a few degrees colder as well. You rub your numb fingers together in hopes of warming them up a little. You sigh and notice the white misty fog escaping your mouth, it was actually getting even colder, and if you didn't find your way soon, you would be in big trouble.

  At that moment, you hear a rustle from a nearby bush and you automatically look in that direction. You hear inhuman sniffs and grunts and try to back away when you realize that you already had your back against a tree. You hold a hand to your face as a dark shadow leaps at you, a terrified scream escaping your lips. You had expected the animal to tear your face off, but you earn a warm long lick to the cheek to see a familiar husky.

"Nigou!!" You pet him with relief as he gives you small affectionate nudges with his snout.

"How'd you-" You begin to ask but hear someone calling your name.

"(Your Name)?! (Your Name)!!" You see a figure running towards you and get up and brush the snow off your clothes. You focus as he places his hands on your arms to see Kuroko's worried face.

"Kuroko! Where are the others?" You ask as you blow into your ice cold hands.

"They're not that far away. We've been worried sick about you (Your Name)." He sighs and you quickly avert your eyes as you cannot help but blush.

"Sorry about that. I just got was totally my fault." You say sheepishly as you smile up at him, however he does not smile back.

"(Your Name)..your lips are blue.." He murmurs as he runs his warm finger along your cold lips.

  Before you could react, he leans in closer as he places his melting lips on to your frosty ones. The chills instantly disappear as he places his tepid hands on your cheek. As you finally break away, you both breath heavily, the steam dissembling in the air breath after breath. He gives you a small smile as he takes your hand in his. 

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