Corn Rows.(Haizaki Shōgo)

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-This fucking ass wipe. LOL. This is a combination of fluffy and limey so enjoy. I'm sorry it's pretty short, I'm about to head out to go do some shopping so I didn't have that much time to update.-

  "(Your Name)..can you just fucking get off me please. You're blocking the screen!" Haizaki growls as he cranes his neck to concentrate of beating the final boss of the game.

  You pay him no heed as you keep scrolling through your phone in silence. You had gotten used to this side of Haizaki, and even he couldn't make you do anything. Sometimes, you were even more stubborn than he was. He had asked you out, and now he was wondering why on earth he thought of doing that. For some bizarre reason, he couldn't find himself dumping you. To put it more simply, he enjoyed the time he spent with you, and as much as he wanted to keep his reputation up of being the "fuck boy", he felt like he was willing to change for you.

"Oh shut up Haizaki.." You mutter in annoyance as you don't take your eyes off your phone.

"Don't tell me to shut up, woman! UGH FUCK!! This is all your fucking fault, I could have beat that." He yells as the "Game Over" overtakes the TV screen. 

"Booooooo...." You pout as you tease him and you hear another growl vibrate through his throat.

   You feel him begin to shrug you off as he places his hands under you to lift you up. He throws you on to the couch and overlaps his body on top of yours before running his fingers along your most ticklish spots. You squeal as you try to squirm away, but he had you cornered and was grinning from ear to ear knowing that he was winning.

"Okay..I'm fucking sorrryy!!" You guffaw as he didn't seem to want to give up.

  He finally stops at your pleas and balances himself up with his arms while both of you pant heavily. You run your fingers through his corn rows fondly as your eyes meet lusciously. Maybe it was just you, but the way he looked at you, it made you feel loved. Which was rare, coming from a man like Haizaki anyway. You felt special because you were probably the only girl he had ever looked at like that in his life. Before he leans downwards to meet your lips, an idea flashes in your mind and you smile devilishly.

"Hey Haizaki?" You whisper.

"Hmm?" He answers.

"When will the corn be ready to harvest?" You giggle and watch his expression darken again.

  You brace yourself for the punishment he was going to give you for teasing him again, but instead, he just locks lips with you and kisses you hungrily.

"I'll punish you for that later tonight." He murmurs before engulfing your lips once again, pulling you deeper into a hot and sexy make out session.

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