Perfection.(Kise Ryouta)

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Some say that being PERFECT is all there is in life.

Others say that it's socially unacceptable to be different.

With all these expectations, how are people supposed to feel good in their own skin?

"Kise. I went over your recent shoots and I have to say that I'm disappointed. You need to lose some weight for the next shoot." Kise's manager informs.

Kise couldn't help but feel his heart sink at the mention of his appearance. He was never happy with it to begin with, and he had tried every diet out there to lose his required weight for the upcoming shoots. The fact that the modeling industry deems him as unsuitable, crushed his morales over and over again.

"Yes sir." He simply agreed and got up to leave the room, his head filled with negative shame of himself.


"Kise!" He heard your voice call and he blinked to see you sitting in front of him with a curious face.

"Oh hey (Your Name)." He automatically responded with his usual bright smile, but to you, it seemed a little less genuine.

"What's up with you today? You've been spacing out all over the place." You tilt your head to the side and Kise cannot help but think about how perfect you were.

"It's nothing. I'm just tired that's all." He breaths as he looks out the window again in a slight sad daze.


You notice your boyfriend getting skinnier and skinnier by the day. When he came over to your house to stay over a night, you pretended to be asleep to see him take off his shirt. You swore you could count all his sunken ribs. What was going on with him?

All your suspicions were confirmed when you walk into the slightly ajar bathroom door to catch a familiar blond head bent over in the toilet. At first you thought he was just really sick, but then you catch up on the other object in his hand: The toothbrush.

"Kise?" You call out softly; still in shock from what you had witnessed.

His head snaps back and his face was overbearingly laced with humiliation and sadness. His dull eyes are wide in horror as he catches you at the door.

"(Your Name)...I..." He rasps as he silently wobbles on to his feet to rinse his mouth silently. It seemed that he had given up on explaining.

As he turns to you again in silence, you catch sight of his tears rolling down his cheeks and your own begin to coil. As soon as you wrap your arms around his neck, you feel the awkward prodding of his bones that were supposed to be covered by a layer of flesh. You run your fingers through his limp hair and he slowly but surely wraps his arms around your waist, silent sobs racking his body occasionally.

Even after he calms down, you refuse to let him go. You wished to share this piece of pain that he was experiencing. You wanted to help him realize how beautiful he was to you.

"Kise..." You muffle into his neck as the tears keep coming.

"(Your Name)...I'm sorry.. I'm just.." He hiccups and you stop his lips with yours.

You lean your forehead against his as the tears come again.

"You're perfect..." You whisper the word that Kise longed to hear from anybody. The word that Kise wanted to be.

The word that brought him into darkness.

That's when he realizes that he doesn't need to be perfect to the world,

because his world was perfect with you by his side.

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