Judgement.(Commander!Akashi x Reader)

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Along with an array of other soldiers, you salute rigidly as your chief in command yells out the distinct phrase.

You all don't dare to move as the red-haired commander made his way up to the front.

He moved swiftly, yet with dignified posture. It was as if he were a cobra that was intimidating it's pray before engulfing it. His dual-colored eyes analyzed your faces as he himself, gave off a sharp and quick salute.

"Soldiers!! You were gathered here to fight for your country. This isn't some petty training exercise you all are used to from high school. Each and every event is designed specially to challenge your ability to the utmost. Only the strongest of the strong will prevail, and they will be the righteous ones to write HISTORY!" His powerful voice makes your heart thump hard against your rib cage.

"Let it begin." His command resonates in the field and everyone salutes one last time before marching in formation to the training courts.

You barely make it to the final round as the training brought the worst out of you. The soles of your feet throb and your knees are scraped up from the endless crawling. Bruises outlined your arms and legs where you had been too careless.

You pant heavily as you make your way towards the last course. You look up from your swimming vision to see the commander smirking down at the remaining cadets.

"As expected, not much of you are left." His voice steely and edgy, yet he seemed amused.

"The last and final stage that will determine your place in the legacy will be individual assessment with me. It will be taken place inside the department where technology has allowed us to replicate different war scenarios. The final judgement will begin." His eyes spark with something that seemed like excitement.

As you make your way indoors, a cadet in front of you collapses and you catch her before she could hit the ground. Under the scorching heat, it would be a struggle to carry her all the way in.

"Leave her. She has fallen." The red-haired commander commands, yet you shake your head and lift her body around your shoulders. Despite your own shaky legs, you were determined and began to take steps that were almost proven excruciating.

"You dare defy me Cadet (Your Name)?" His voice was so cold that you almost drop to your knees. You didn't know how he knew your name, but you force yourself to stand upright.

"Sir.We don't leave comrades behind." You answer shakily and his eyes widen in surprise and a small smile appears before it disappears in a flash.

"That is true, but soldiers like her will only bring the whole system down. It's useless. Do you want to die with her in battle? This is about survival." He comments as he continues to walk.

Before he enters, he looks you in the eye.

"Defying me was a bold move girl."


"Thank you for helping me." The girl you helped earlier thanks you endlessly and you shake your hand side to side.

"Ah. It's fine." You smile.

"Cadet 2937...please enter capsule 1." The robotic voice utters your number and you get up.

You take a breath and enter the room.

At that moment, a bullet lodges right beside your ear, and you let out a gasp in shock, but don't move as you look towards the shooter.

"It seems my hand had slipped." The familiar voice echoes and you feel his aura and a shiver runs up your spine.

He tosses you a gun and he immediately points his own at your head, and you instinctively tuck your arm up and point yours at his.

"Oho? Are you going to shoot your commander? What happened to being loyal to those on your side?" He mocks and you growl in anger.

"I have my morals sir. However, my life is just valuable as yours. If you put me in this position, I will fight. My only interest is to live and fight. That is all." You grit your teeth firmly and his smirk widens.

"I'm your enemy now (Your Name)," the room begins to pixilate into a war zone and you look up and see him wearing the enemy uniform. It may have been an illusion, but it was so real. "What do you do?" He asks cautiously.

You aim and without hesitation shoot your gun at him.

As the smoke clears, you see him with his hand outstretched, the bullet lodged between his slender fingers.

He lets out a dry chuckle as he lets it drop to the ground.

"Interesting. You pass." His serious demeanor returns and he departs behind the sliding doors, leaving you panting and muddled.

"What an interesting girl." Akashi whispers as he smirks to himself.

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