Entry 971: Saturday 25th May 2019

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Entry 971
Saturday 25th May 2019

I saw Naomi today...

When I arrived at her house Ash was there playing with Sophie, so the atmosphere became rather awkward very quickly. "Alright?" Ash quietly said, making a forced effort to be civil. "Mmm hmm," I said. I could feel the tense and awkward atmosphere, but to be honest I didn't care. I just wanted to speak to Naomi and ask her about having a chat with Nikki. After an uncomfortable minute or so, Naomi returned from the kitchen with some tea. Ash could see I had a serious look on my face so he said he'd take Sophie to the park and leave Naomi and I to chat.

Once Ash had left with Sophie, I made a bit of effort to engage Naomi in small talk." "So, how's your arm?" I asked, noticing that the cast was now off. "All back to normal," said Naomi, "Well, I say normal. It still aches a bit, but it's better than it was. If I ever see that Tara again, I'll kill her before she even has a chance to think about shooting me. Anyway, how's it going with you and Nikki?" "Not great," I said. "Oh?" said Naomi. "That's why I'm here," I said, "Look, I'm not going to beat about the bush, I need a favour." "Go on..." said Naomi. "I need you to go and see Nikki and tell her that nothing is going on between us," I said. "You what?" said Naomi. "She's mad at me for not telling her about our kiss just before we got in the freezer," I said. "But I thought she made out it was all fine?" said Naomi. "She was covering up how she really felt," I said, "Then when she saw us in the kitchen hugging and 'having a moment' she really hit the roof. Seriously; she's livid." "Oh, for God's sake," said Naomi, rolling her eyes, "Luke, are you sure this is the sort of woman you want to be in a relationship with?" "Yes!" I loudly exclaimed, "I really like her and I want to put this right. It's probably all my fault for not telling her about our kiss in the first place. Look just tell her there's nothing going on between us. All that stuff that went on with me and you is history. I'm not interested in you and you're not interested in me. Right?" "Right..." said Naomi as she gave a tiresome sigh. "Why are you sighing?" I snapped, "I'm asking for a favour here." "OK, OK," said Naomi, "I'll talk to her but if she's as mad as you say, what makes you think she'll listen to me?" "I don't know," I said, "But it's worth a shot isn't it? Please Naomi, I really want to make it work with Nikki, and if you can tell her that apart from that kiss nothing's ever happened between us and that nothing ever will happen, she might just snap out of this mood she's in." "OK," said Naomi, rolling her eyes, "I'll have a chat with her." "OK," I said, sounding excited and relieved, "Today?" "God, Luke," said Naomi, "I do have a life you know, not to mention a child to look after." "Tomorrow then?" I said, sounding rather eager. "OK," said Naomi, rolling her eyes, "I'll go see her tomorrow." "Great," I said, breathing a sigh of relief. "If I'm helping you out, you help me out," said Naomi. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Sort all this sh*t out with you and Ash," said Naomi, "It's gone on for too long now." "Let's deal with one problem at a time," I said, "Someone's been sending Nikki death threats." "You what?" said Naomi, frowning with confusion. "I went round to see her to try and sort things out and she showed me this note," I said, producing said note from my pocket it and handing it to Naomi who then read it out. "You're going to die you worthless b*tch?" said Naomi, "Who would send this to Nikki?" "God knows," I said, taking the note back, "She thinks it's me." "Luke, what are you getting yourself involved in?" said Naomi. "What do you mean?" I said. "Well," said Naomi, "Someone who gets a note like that has got some serious enemies she's p*ssed off, and if she really thinks you're capable of sending something like that, is this the sort of your girlfriend you want?" "Do you want me to be happy?" I bluntly asked Naomi. "Of course, I do," exclaimed Naomi. "Right then," I said, "Well stop saying sh*t like that and help me out. Once me and Nikki make up, we can get to the bottom of what's going on with these notes and that's only going to happen if you help me out."

I feel relieved that Naomi is going to speak to Nikki tomorrow. Hopefully it'll sort everything out. I tried to radio through to Nikki earlier on, but she told me to f*ck off and leave her alone. How long is she going to keep up this anger? I haven't really done anything wrong. Yes, I made a mistake by not telling Nikki about mine and Naomi's kiss, but it happened ages ago and I just don't think it's that relevant. Do I deserve to be ignored and punished for this long? I just hope we can get all this sorted out.

I still can't figure out who sent Nikki the death threats. For a second, I thought it was Mike, but I really don't think he'd go that far. Once Nikki and I make up I can talk to her about the note she got, support her and come up with a plan of action about what we could do. I really hope Naomi manages to work her magic tomorrow.

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now