Entry 1092: Monday 23rd September 2019

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Entry 1092
Monday 23rd September 2019

I had the day off work today and went to the hospital today with Nikki.

The day started with me sat at the dining table eating breakfast with Nikki, who looked like she was in a right mood. A tense silence lingered. "Nikki," I firmly said, "Are you going to be like this all day?" "Like what?" said Nikki, "I haven't said anything." "Exactly," I said, "You can cut the atmosphere in here with a knife." "I thought you wanted me to keep my mouth shut?" snapped Nikki. "I want you to contribute to a conversation," I said, "God, can't you at least be civil." "That's rich coming from you," snapped Nikki, "After all of those horrible things you said to me yesterday." "What, the truth?" I said, "... Look, can we try and have a day where we don't argue? We're going to be spending a lot of time together today at the hospital." "We're only going to the hospital because you don't think I'm really pregnant," snaped Nikki. "I said I had doubts," I said. "I showed you a pregnancy test and a scan picture, Luke," snapped Nikki, "What more do you want? To climb in my womb and have a good look." "Don't be stupid," I said. "Oh, so now I'm stupid as well as being a liar," snapped Nikki. "Oh, for God's sake," I said. "It's that Naomi who's behind all this," sniped Nikki. "What?" I exclaimed. "She's poisoning you against me," snapped Nikki, "That's what all this is about." "Nikki, if anyone is poisoning me against you, it's YOU!" I snapped, "Look, I don't want to argue. Can we please just have one day where we can at least be civil."

We finished our breakfast, put our coats on and we walked to the bus stop where we waited for the bus to take us to St. Mary's Hospital. The bus arrived and Nikki and I sat next to each other at the back of the bus as we journeyed to the hospital, I tried to make small talk, but Nikki just sat there is silence with a face like a slapped arse. It was very annoying, but I think Nikki wanted to provoke a reaction out of me. I didn't give her one.

When we arrived at the hospital we walked through the main doors and entered a small clinical looking waiting area next to an old-fashioned looking reception desk. "Well, here we are," said Nikki, "You sit down, and I'll tell the receptionist we're here." I took a seat in the waiting area, Nikki walked over to the receptionist and then she returned to me. "We have to wait down the corridor," said Nikki, "That's where all the baby stuff happens." I stood up, exited the waiting room, followed Nikki down the corridor, turned left, walked down another corridor and we arrived at another small waiting room. It was empty and looked rather cold and uninviting. "We just sit and wait here until someone comes to collect us," said Nikki. "Well, we shouldn't be waiting too long," I said, "It's not like we're in a long queue." Nikki sat down on one of the chairs and I was about to sit on the chair next to her when she stopped me. "No," said Nikki, "Don't sit next to me. Give me some space. Sit over there, sit opposite me, not next to me. "Jesus Christ," I said, rolling my eyes as I sat in the chair opposite Nikki. "What?" snapped Nikki. "Are you just going out of your way to make this difficult?" I said. "No," snapped Nikki, "I just want some space. God!" A short silence lingered. "Do you want to play a game?" I asked. Nikki gave me a blunt look. "Luke, I'm not twelve," she firmly said. "I'm just suggesting something that might help pass the time," I said, "How about a cup of tea or something? There's got to be vending machine around here somewhere." "God, why do you think you can solve every problem by throwing tea at it?" snapped Nikki, "And the tea here in these vending machines is horrible." "Fine," I snapped, "Let's do something else. Talk about baby names. We said we'd do that." "Oh, the baby that you don't think I'm having?" snapped Nikki. "Will you stop being b*tchy?" I said, "I told you I had doubts, and you can hardly blame me after all the lies you've told, and the way you've been acting when I ask you about the baby. If the Doctors proves to me that you're pregnant then you can lord it all over me by telling me how right you were and how wrong I was can't you?" "Oh, don't worry, I will," snapped Nikki. "Yeah, I'm sure you will," I said. "And what the Hell does that mean?" snapped Nikki. "Forget it," I said, "What about Darren?" "Darren?" said Nikki, "What are you on about 'Darren'? Who the Hell is Darren?" "Baby names," I said, "What do you think of the name Darren?" "Too chavvy," said Nikki, "It sounds like some ASBO kid who's going to mug me." "What about Tarquin?" I asked. "No," said Nikki, "Sounds like a stuck-up snob." "OK," I said, "How about John?" "Too boring," said Nikki. "What about girl's names?" I said, "Naomi's Sophie used to be called Amelia." "Hate it," said Nikki. "What about Meryl?" asked, "After my Auntie?" "I don't want my child named after your f*cking Auntie," snapped Nikki. "What about Mia?" I asked, "After Mia?" "No," said Nikki. "OK," I said, "Well, why don't you come up with some names?" "Why?" snapped Nikki, "You don't think I'm pregnant anyway, do you?" "Oh, for f*cks sake," I said, rolling my eyes, "How many times do I have to tell you? I just said I had doubts." "You shouldn't have any doubts at all," snapped Nikki, "I showed you proof. You're going to look like a right idiot when the Doctor tells you I'm pregnant." I endured more b*tchy comments from Nikki as we sat waiting for a doctor to show up.

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