Entry 1022: Monday 15th July 2019

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Entry 1022
Monday 15th July 2019

I woke up with a big smile on my face today. After some amazing sex and great cuddles in bed with Nikki, I started to think how lucky I am. I'm lucky I have a gorgeous girlfriend, an amazing little son and a lovely house to live in. I am so glad that Nikki and I are putting our problems behind us.

Nikki and I went to Newport to take part in the memorial service for everyone who died in the Ryde explosions. Lots of people turned up. In the crowds I saw Ash and Naomi. We exchanged awkward looks, but it didn't progress any further than that. I could see TJ and Trudy in the crowds of people giving Nikki and I awkward looks. "Your so-called friends are giving me dirty looks," Nikki whispered to me. "Ignore them," I quietly said. "It's easy for you to say," Nikki whispered, "You're not the one they are giving dirty looks to." "Do you want to leave?" I quietly asked. "No," said a firm Nikki, "I'm not letting those morons drive me away. I have done nothing wrong. I want to pay my respects too." A tired looking Blade stood in front of a podium and said how sad he was that so many people had died, and that he and his team would leave no stone unturned when it came to investigating the matter. Blade named the people who had died and whose funerals were going to be held within the next few days. There wasn't enough time to name the thousands of people who had become infected.

Once Blade had finished his speech, I quickly ran over to him and said I needed to talk to him. "What is it, Luke?" Blade said, rolling his eyes and looking disinterested, "I'm very busy." I handed Blade the most recent threatening note that Nikki had been sent. "It's another threat," I said, "Nikki received it. I thought all this was over but obviously not. Please tell me you're going to do something about this." Blade handed the note back to me. "I'll look into it," he said. He started to walk away but I stopped him. "How?" I bluntly asked. Blade stopped, turned round and looked at me. "Excuse me?" he said. "I've heard that before," I said, "I'll look into it. I'll look into it. HOW will you look into it? WHEN will you look into it?" "Luke, this is really not the time to be having this conversation," said Blade. "If not now, then when?" I asked. "Luke, I have said I will look into it, and I will," said an angry sounding Blade, "Now back off." I felt a bit intimidated by Blade. He looked exhausted, sounded stressed and came across as rather threating himself. I hope he does look into it, but I doubt he will. Maybe I'll have to do something about this myself. I just don't know what.

Once Blade walked off Mum came up to me. "What were you speaking to him for?" She asked. "Nikki's received another threatening note," I said, "I was telling Blade hoping he'll do something about it." "Hmm," said Mum, "Well, I hear you've moved back in with her. Something else I found out about from someone else. You don't tell me anything anymore." "I'm a grown man, Mum," I said, "I don't have to tell you everything." "Yes, and you don't have to keep secrets from me," said Mum, "That's what got you into trouble with Nikki in the first place." "Mum, I'm not having this conversation with you," I bluntly said, "What are you doing here anyway? Looking for some recently bereaved widowers affected by the disaster in Ryde who you can ride?" "I'm here because your mad Auntie wanted to come," said Mum, "Funerals and memorials are an exciting day out to her for some weird reason. Are you going to come over and talk to her?" "No," I bluntly said, "I've got things to do. If she wants to apologise to me for slagging my girlfriend off, then I'll think about talking to her." "Apologise to you for slagging off the woman who's beating you up?" said Mum, "I can't see that happening. Anyway, you're not the only one with problems. Whilst we were underground in the bunkers, mine and Meryl's house was broken into." "How could your house have been broken into?" I asked, "Everyone was underground." "Not everyone," said Mum, "The GRID soldiers were out and about, weren't they?" "You think the GRID soldiers broke into your house?" I said. "Well, that's the only explanation for it," said Mum. "Well, what was taken?" I asked. "Meryl's iPad that Jon gave her," said Mum. "And that's it?" I asked. Mum nodded. "So, you're saying that people from GRID broke into your house to steal an iPad that someone from GRID gave to Auntie Meryl?" I asked. "Well, it sounds a bit odd when you put it like that, but that iPad has gone missing," said Mum. "Oh, come off it," I said, "Auntie's Meryl's probably lost it. She's always losing things."

Nikki walked over and the atmosphere became rather tense. "I'll leave you to it," said Mum in a blunt tone. She then walked off leaving me and Nikki alone. "Nice," said Nikki, "Is this the sort of treatment I have to look forward to?" "Don't let her get to you," I said, "Just ignore her." I gave Nikki a kiss and cuddle and then Mike and TJ appeared. The atmosphere again became a bit awkward. "Hello Mike," Nikki said in a civil yet awkward tone, "Hello TJ." "Alright," said TJ, "You still a bunny boiler then?" My face dropped. I was furious at TJ. The atmosphere became incredibly uncomfortable. "TJ!" I angrily exclaimed. "What!" he exclaimed, "Just making sure she's stopped kicking the sh*t out of you." Nikki looked very uncomfortable, and rather angry and embarrassed.  "I'll go wait over there," she said. Nikki left leaving me with Mike and TJ. "You f*cking idiot," I snapped at TJ as I pushed him in the chest. "Calm down Elizabeth," said TJ, "Look at you. Getting all violent. Is Nikki's handy work rubbing off on you?" "She hasn't hurt you has she?" asked Mike. "No!" I exclaimed, "Of course she hasn't. Christ! We're trying to move on, but we can't do that if you two keep bringing the past up." "The past?" said TJ, "She battered you last week, not last year." "Just keep your f*cking mouths shut," I firmly said, "And if you can't find anything nice and supportive to say, then don't say anything at all."

On the journey home Nikki was not happy. "I can't believe you actually want to spend time with those morons," she snapped. "Yeah," I said, "I know, "But I hardly see TJ. We only saw him today because of the memorial. You don't ever have to see him again." "Luke, don't make out you're not friends with that idiot," said Nikki, "When you left the first thing you did was move in with him." "I had to go somewhere," I said. "You could have gone to Richard and Madeline's," said Nikki, "Or Roz's." "I feel more comfortable with TJ, Trudy and Mike," I said. "God, you need to make your mind up," said Nikki, "One minute the three of them get on your nerves, and the next you're moving in with them because you feel comfortable around them. That man just stood there and called me a bunny boiler and you did nothing." "That's not true," I firmly said, "I snapped at TJ and then you walked off, so you didn't see me having a go at him, so don't tell me I did nothing." "Do not talk to me with THAT tone in your voice," snapped Nikki. "Well, don't accuse me of doing nothing when I DID do something." "Luke, yesterday you promised me you wouldn't provoke me," said a firm Nikki. "I'm not provoking you," I firmly said, "I'm disagreeing with you. Please don't twist my words." "Oh, so now you're saying I'm twisting your words?" said an angry Nikki, "So, now you're gaslighting me." "OK," I assertively said, "Let's just stop this. I don't want to fight with you. I'm hardly going to see TJ and when I see Mike, it'll be in Sails Café in Cowes, The Beach Café in Sandown or when we do our voluntary work. You don't have to see him." "What voluntary work?" "I told Mike I'd help out entertaining some old people and reading to them," I said. "Oh," said Nikki, sounding unimpressed. I looked at the angry expression on Nikki's face. "What's up now?" I snapped. "Well, it sounds like you want to spend more time with Mike than you do with your own girlfriend and your own son," snapped Nikki. "That is NOT true," I firmly said, "I want to spend time with all of you, but as you don't like Mike, I need to manage things as best as I can, and that means seeing you without him and seeing him without you." "Oh, so it's all my fault!?" exclaimed Nikki. "I didn't say that!" I snapped, "Jesus Christ. We agreed that Mike and Cyn wouldn't come round to the house, and that I'd see them without you. That's what we agreed so that's what I'm doing." A tense silence lingered for a while. Nikki looked angry so to avoid an argument I changed the subject. I told Nikki about me speaking to Blade regarding the recent threatening note. I told her what he said but that I didn't have much faith in his word.

I start back at The Hive tomorrow. Gary's picking me up in the morning. It will be nice to see him, but I'm not looking forward to being back in the depressing facility that is The Hive, and I'm certainly not looking forward to seeing Natasha and having her as a boss again. Now that The Hive has got thousands of infected in it, it'll be interesting to see how GRID are going to manage that. At least I get to see Mike and Cyn at Sails Café in Cowes tomorrow. I can have a good moan to them about being back at The Hive and having to endure Natasha's bossiness and the groans of the infected hoards. Mike will probably tell me more about this voluntary work. I'm not sure how I'm feeling about that, but I suppose I have made him a promise.

I just hope Nikki and I can avoid arguing and that we both stick to what we agreed during mediation with Madeline. I suppose I need to think about what I'm going to do about Nikki receiving the most recent threatening note. I doubt Blade is going to care enough to do anything about it, but the problem is that I don't really know what to do, and I really can't think of anyone who would send Nikki such a note...

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now