Entry 1035: Sunday 28th July 2019

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Entry 1035
Sunday 28th July 2019

A nice quiet day today with (thankfully) no dramas.

Tinsley made an announcement and told us all that the group counselling sessions Blade was sorting out will start next week at the community centres in all three populated areas; Newport, Cowes and Sandown. He didn't seem very enthusiastic. It wouldn't surprise me if he thought the counselling sessions were a waste of time, but I think they're needed. Everyone's been through a lot on this island, and people are still grieving for the loved ones they lost in Ryde. It's about time all this counselling was sorted out. I'm not sure if I'm going to go but I'll have a think about it.

I met up with Mike and Sci-Fi Cyn in Cowes at Sails Café, today. We had a catch up over a cuppa and had a good chat. I told them all about my "chat" wit Tinsley. Cyn said that I must have rocks for brains approaching a man like that, and Mike said he still liked the sound of Tinsley as he hated the infected and sounded like a man of action. I told Mike and Cyn what Tinsley said about Nikki, and also about how he confronted Natasha. "I never thought I'd say this," I said, "But I can't wait for Blade to get back. Mind you, let's be honest. He might not come back." "What makes you say that?" asked Sci-Fi Cyn. "Come on," I said, "Look what happened when me and you were on the mainland. We got stranded. You had to guide me through some air conditioning units. Mia died. It was horrible." "Yes, but Jon is an army man," said Sci-Fi Cyn, "He can look after himself better than we can." "I hope you're right," I said, "I know that what he's done hiding the infected under GRID HQ and covering up what really happened in Ryde is pretty bad, but at least he didn't stomp around this place like an aggressive bully." "Well, I've told you what to do," said Sci-Fi Cyn, "Just stay out of his way."

Back to work tomorrow. Nikki's going to come and check out The Hive and get a good look at the infected. Sounds like morbid curiosity if you ask me. I just hope Tinsley doesn't turn up when she's there; that would make things really awkward.

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