Entry 1107: Tuesday 8th October 2019

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Entry 1107
Tuesday 8th October 2019

I went to see Natasha today. I wish I hadn't have bothered!

Leaving Leo with Mum and Auntie Meryl, I got the bus to Sandown hoping that Natasha would be open to having a civil conversation about me leaving The Hive and getting another job somewhere else on the island, ideally in or close to Cowes. Naomi offered to give me a lift but as she and Natasha don't really get on, I thought it was best I go on my own.

When I got off the bus, I walked down the road towards Natasha's house. Walking past my old house next door brought quite a few memories flooding back; Nikki kicking the sh*t out of me, Nikki smashing her face into a mirror, Nikki strangling Minnie the cat. Not nice memories, but memories none the less.

When I arrived at Natasha's I knocked on the door and when she answered she seemed surprised to see me. Her surprise was quicky replaced with a look of frustration. "Oh... It's you," she bluntly said, "Nice to see you too," I sarcastically said. "What do you want?" Natasha bluntly asked me. "Well, can I come in?" I asked. "No," said Natasha, firmly, "Just say what you've got to say and go." "Have I done something wrong?" I asked. "You killed Nikki!" Natasha loudly snapped. "What!?" I gasped, thinking that Natasha somehow knew that I had pushed her and that it was my push that killed her. "I know what happened, Luke," snapped Natasha, "I've heard. News spreads fast in this island. Nikki died, got infected and as soon as she came back you stabbed in her in the head. IN THE HEAD! She was once your girlfriend. How can you be so barbaric?" "Natasha, she was infected," I said, "She came running at me in a fit of rage trying to take a chunk out of my neck." "So, you decided to kill her?" asked Natasha, "Why didn't you just restrain her and quarantine her? You didn't have to kill her. You know that!" "Oh, Natasha," I snapped, "Don't start all that sh*t again." "You know how I feel about infected people being quarantined and cared for," Natasha angrily said. "Natasha, I don't care how you FEEL," I firmly said, "It wasn't you that was stood there in your pants and t-shirt being charged at by a rabid psycho. Restrain and quarantine? Don't be ridiculous!" "You could have used your beck-grab," said Natasha, "For God's sake you attended classes on how to use it." "Oh yeah!" I sarcastically exclaimed, "I should have just asked infected Nikki to stand and wait at the top of the stairs whilst I went downstairs into the kitchen cupboard and got the neck-grab thing, shouldn't I? Look, you might not like it Natasha, but we are ALLOWED to kill infected." "Things will change when Blade gets back," said Natasha. "IF he gets back," I said, "He's been gone ages." You know, I thought you and I were getting on," said Natasha, "I thought we were becoming friends." "What are you on about?" I snapped, "We might have been getting on but that doesn't mean I agree with you that we should care for and quarantine infected. I've NEVER agreed with any of that sh*t. You know that. Nikki was charging at me. She was going to kill me. I didn't have time to look for things to restrain her. In that moment I had to put my life before Nikki's." "Her life is just as important as yours," said Natasha. "That's not your decision to make," I said. "It's not yours either," said Natasha. "It is when she's running at me trying to take a bite out of my neck," I angrily snapped, "As I'm he one Nikki was battering, manipulating and abusing, I think I, more than anyone has the right to take action against Nikki." "Take action," said Natasha, "Not her life." "Natasha," I bluntly said, "We live on an island where we are allowed to kill infected. You might not like it but that's your problem. If another infected comes running at me like that I will do exactly the same as I did with Nikki, find something sharp and stab them in the head with it." "You're as bad as Tinsley," said Natasha. "Look," I said, "I don't care what you think about me. Compare me to Tinsley if you want. I don't give a toss. I just hope you never find yourself in a situation where you've got an infected running at you, because if you do, and don't manage to restrain them and quarantine them THEN come and tell me that we need to care for the infected!" "Why are you here, Luke?" Natasha bluntly asked. "I'm living in Cowes now with Mum and Auntie Meryl," I said, "So I want to leave The Hive and get a job in Cowes." "You're messing me around AGAIN with your job requirements," said Natasha. "Look," I firmly said, "It's not reasonable for me to be travelling from Cowes to The Hive every other day. Can you speak to Tinsley?" "Are you kidding?" exclaimed Natasha, "You come round here having a go and expect me to do you a favour and speak to Tinsley?" "I haven't come round here having a go," I said, "You've had a go at me. Whatever went on with me and Nikki has nothing to do with you. You seem to think you're some big important person. You're not. Tinsley's put a stop to your QCUC campaign. You're just another civilian like the rest of us. I don't want to work at The Hive anymore and I've come to talk to you about it." "No," said a firm Natasha, "You've come round here to ask me for a favour. To ask me to speak to Tinsley because you don't have the balls to do it. Well, do you know what, Luke? I think you and Tinsley have got more in common with each other than you like to admit. So, go and talk to him yourself. I'm not going to do your dirty work for you." Natasha slammed the door leaving me feeling rather frustrated. She is such a tw*t! I get attacked by an infected Nikki and Natasha has a go at me for killing her. I know Sci-Fi Cyn killed her, but Natasha doesn't know that.

When I got back to Cowes, I went to see Naomi and Ash and told them about my confrontation with Natasha. I don't like the idea of approaching to Tinsley and speaking to him about needing a new job, especially as it's an issue he's been presented with before, but if I don't speak to him and he finds out I'm not working he'll probably hunt me down and have a right go at me. That tw*t Natasha isn't going to help me out, and I could ask Sci-Fi Cyn, but I don't feel like I should keep dumping on her, so that means I need to bite the bullet and approach Tinsley. Not something I'm looking forward to, but it needs to be done. Maybe he'll let me quit working at The Hive and do what I was going to do before, work at the prison. I guess we'll see. I'm sure he'll be his usual intense and aggressive self with me. I'll try to pick a moment where he isn't too furious about something... If such a moment ever exists.

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now