Entry 1023: Tuesday 16th July 2019

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Entry 1023
Tuesday 16th July 2019

I started back at The Hive, today. God, I'm going to HATE being back in that sh*thole, especially as there's more infected there now, but at least I got to meet up with Mike and Cyn at The Beach Café in Sandown and have a good moan. Sci-Fi Cyn's behaviour was weird and it's left me wondering what's going on.

In the morning after getting ready to return to The Hive, I stood on the doorstep with Nikki and she gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I'm really proud of you," she said with a smile, "It takes a real man to accept that he's wrong, and compromise like this." Nikki was obviously referring to me going back to a job I don't like. I didn't agree with her comment about me accepting I was wrong, but I didn't want an argument so I didn't say anything.

I walked down the road and got picked up by Gary. It was nice to see him. "Now then Chuckles," said Gary, with a smile on his face, "Long time no see. How's it going?" "Well, there's been a few ups and downs but I'm glad to say things are starting to calm down now," I said. "You and Nikki getting on OK?" asked Gary. "We're getting there," I said. "Good for you, Chuckles," said Gary on a cheerful tone, "It's no one's business but your own. If you're happy, I'm happy. No one's got the right to judge." This was a refreshing attitude that put a smile on my face. "God, Gary," I said, "I've missed you."

On the journey to The Hive Gary told me how things had changed. "I know you and Natasha don't get on," said Gary, "But you don't need to worry about that. You'll hardly see her. The containment area is full of infected now. We've had to increase the number of GRID soldiers patrolling the platform overlooking the containment area. There used to be about two or three. Now there's about twenty." "Great," I said, rolling my eyes, "Natasha's stupid QCUC sh*t is taking soldiers away from populated areas, and having them stand in a concrete prison babysitting infected. Great use of time." "I see what you mean," said Gary, "But you wouldn't want all those infected there in The Hive and not have any GRID soldiers present would you?" "If it was up to me the bl**dy Hive wouldn't exist in the first place," I said, "Anyway, what's going on with Ryde?" "Do you know, Chuckles," said Gary, "I'm not too sure." "Oh, come on," I said, "You must know something. You're a GRID soldier." "It doesn't mean Commander Blade tells me everything," said Gary. "Have you heard about the conspiracy theory that's flying around?" I asked. "I've heard a few rumours flying around," said Gary, "But I think that's all they are. Rumours. Commander Blade has told us to ignore them and not give them any attention." "Yeah, but come on Gary," I said, "Multiple gas explosions all randomly happening at once. Sounds a bit far-fetched." "True, but it doesn't mean it didn't happen," said Gary, "The Commander's looking into it." "Well, what do you think?" I asked Gary. "Oh, Chuckles, what I think doesn't matter," said Gary, "You need to remember that I might be a pal, but I am still a member of GRID. I have to be careful what I say." "What does that mean?" I asked, "Have you been told something?" "I haven't been told anything," said Gary, as he continued driving the car, "But if you must know, I did go to Ryde and I was one of the soldiers who put the fires out." "You were there!?" I exclaimed. "I was," said Gary, "And it was not a pretty sight. To say the whole placed looked like a warzone would be an understatement. Dead bodies all over the place, buildings on fire, infected running around and attacking soldiers and the injured. It was awful. We lost some good GRID soldiers." "I'm sorry," I solemnly said, "Sounds like it was pretty bad." "I've certainly had more pleasant experiences," said Gary. "So, do you believe that it was all caused by a load of gas leaks?" I asked. "That's what the Commander said," said Gary. "You're being diplomatic," I said. "Indeed, I am," said Gary, "I was one of the soldiers that transported all of the infected from Ryde to The Hive whilst you lot were underground. I can see why people think it's all suspicious, but right now my mind is just on all those people, including my colleagues who died or became infected. I don't care if it was due to gas leaks or something else." "Yeah, but if it was something else wouldn't you want to know what it was?" I asked, "And wouldn't you want to know why the real reason was being covered up?" "Look, Chuckles," said Gary, "I accept that a load of gas leeks simultaneously blowing up one of the habited areas of the island sounds far-fetched, but after what I saw, I think a sh*t load of gas leaks explains things pretty well." I didn't want to press Gary too much. It was clear that he'd been through a lot being at the warzone that was the engulfed Ryde.

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now