Entry 1041: Saturday 3rd August 2019

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Entry 1041
Saturday 3rd August 2019

I went back home and had a chat with Nikki today. There's good news! I'm moving back in tomorrow.

When I arrived at the house, I walked into the living room and saw Nikki sat on the sofa drinking a cup of tea and petting that vicious cat of hers. I took a deep breath, tried to stay calm and prepared for a heated confrontation but hoped for a rational discussion. "Alright?" I said. Nikki nodded. "Where's Leo?" she asked. "Mum's got him," I said. An awkward silence lingered for a moment. "So, did you have a visitor yesterday?" I asked. "I think you know I did," said Nikki. "OK..." I said, "What do you think?" "About what?" asked Nikki. "About what she said," I said. "I don't appreciate you sending that woman around here," snapped Nikki. "I thought it would help," I said. "Did it help when you sent her round before?" asked Nikki. I frowned with confusion. I didn't know what she was talking about. "What do you mean?" I asked, "Who are you talking about?" "Your bl**dy Mother," snapped Nikki, "Who else would I be talking about?" "Patience the counsellor!" I exclaimed, "What the Hell was Mum doing round here?" "Telling me what a horrible person I was and that I should be ashamed of my behaviour," said Nikki, "She said if I ever laid a hand on you again, she would kick my arse into the middle of next week. Can't you fight your own battles, Luke? Sending a woman – your Mother, round to fight your battles for you." "Well I didn't know she was going to come round," I firmly said, "I made it clear to her that I wanted her to stay away from you! Look, I'll have another word with her and tell her to back off. Did Patience come round?" "Yes," said Nikki. "And?" I said. "Luke, what do you want me to say?" snapped Nikki. "I want you to say that you acknowledge you have a problem with being violent, and I want you to agree to have some counselling sessions with Patience," I said. A tense silence lingered. "Well!?" I said. "Fine!" snapped Nikki. "Fine?" I said, "Fine? What does that mean?" "I've told Patience that I'll have some counselling sessions with her," said Nikki. She didn't look happy. It was clear Nikki was doing this reluctantly, but doing it reluctantly was better than not doing it at all as far as I was concerned. I was suddenly overcome with a huge sense of calming relief. "So, you're going to have the sessions?" I said with a big smile on my face. "Yes," said a blunt Nikki, "I suppose it will give me a chance to talk about how Richard T treated me." "Yeah," I said, "And maybe you can talk about different ways of expressing your anger. Nikki, I want us to work out, but you can't throw things at me or stab me. It's not OK. I'd never do that to you. You can't be faking injuries, and you can't be swallowing tablets in front of me. We're not going to have much of a future if we carry on like this." "And we're not going to have a future if you hide in a cleaning cupboard with that Naomi," said a blunt Nikki. "I'm not going to see Naomi," I said, "I only saw her at The Hive because she broke in. We weren't shagging each other. Do you believe me?" "I suppose," said Nikki, "But I don't want you seeing her." "I'm not going to see her," I said, "If you start having the counselling sessions then I'll move back in. Naomi will be in Cowes, and I'll be here in Sandown with you." Nikki and I continued talking and we ended up giving each other a hug and a kiss, which was followed by some amazing make up sex.

When I returned to Cowes I met with Mike and Cyn at Sails Café. We had a chat over a cuppa, and I told them that I was moving back in with Nikki tomorrow. They didn't think I was making the right decision, but I told them straight that it was my decision to make.

When I returned to Mike, TJ and Trudy's I also told them that I was moving back home tomorrow. They also thought I was making the wrong decision; but we didn't have time to discuss in too much detail as there was a knock at the door. It was Mum bringing Leo back. Well... I thought she was bringing Leo back. "That'll be your Mum," said Trudy, as she walked towards the front door. "I'll get it," I firmly said, "I have a few things I want to say to her." I opened the door and Mum walked in, but she didn't have Leo with her. "Where's Leo?" I asked. "He's at mine with Meryl," said Mum. "Why haven't you brought him round?" I asked. "First of all," said Mum, "I want to know what happened when you went to see Nikki." "No," I snapped, "I want to know why YOU went to see Nikki when I told you not to?" "Well, someone needed to lay down the law with the little madam," said a firm Mum, "And it was obvious you weren't going to do it." I was very angry. "Mum," I firmly said, through gritted teeth, "I'm going to make this VERY clear. Mind. Your. Own. F*cking. Business. Leave me to deal with MY relationship in MY way. You stick to what you're good at; shagging strangers and sucking off losers. If you keep interfering, we're going to fall out." "And then what?" asked Mum, "You'll stop speaking to me? Well, you've already stopped speaking to Meryl, Naomi and Ash." "Mum, I'm not having this conversation with you," I firmly said, "Butt out. Simple. Now go and get Leo." "Are you moving back in with her?" asked Mum. "Yes," I said, "She's agreed to have the counselling sessions, so it's onwards and upwards." "Let's see how she gets on with the counselling before we get the party poppers out," said Trudy. "Whatever," I said, "Anyway, I'm moving back home tomorrow so can you go get Leo please?" I noticed Mum exchanging tense looks with Trudy. "OK..." I tentatively said, noticing the odd looks, "What's going on?" "Sausage," said Mum, "We think if you're going to go back to Nikki, that it might be best if Leo stays with us for a while." "Excuse me!?" I exclaimed. "Just think about it," said Trudy, "Do you really want Leo there if she starts chucking stuff at you and coming at you with a pair of scissors?" "She's not going to do that!" I snapped, "She's having counselling." "She hasn't started the counselling yet though, has she?" said Mum. "And when she starts it, it might help," said Trudy, "But she hasn't started it yet. We just think it's a good idea that Leo stays here with us until things have settled down with you and Nikki." "Trudy," I firmly said, "I don't give a f*ck what you and Mum think. Leo is MY son and he's coming with me." "Luke, do you really want Leo there if Nikki starts getting violent?" said Trudy. "She's hurt you more than once," said Mum, "What if she gets so angry that she hurts Leo." "She would NEVER hurt, Leo," I said. "Maybe not on purpose," said Mum, "But she might do it accidentally. You got angry and hurt Leo accidentally, remember?" "Sorry?" I firmly said, "Are you holding my son hostage?" "Oh, Sausage, don't be stupid," said Mum. "Are you stopping me from seeing him?" I snapped. "Of course not," said Mum, "You can go round to mine and get him right now if you want, but do you really think that putting your little boy into a possibly violent environment is in his best interest?" "I hardly saw Leo when I had to move because Kyle was here," I said, "I don't want it to go back to that." "You meet up with Mike and Cyn and every other day," said Trudy, "Instead of alternating between meeting them here in Cowes and in Sandown, you could meet them every other day here in Cowes. That way you'll see Leo." "And this isn't permanent," said Mum, "It's temporary. When things are settled down with you and Nikki, Leo can move back in with you." We continued discussing and due to mine and Nikki's current uncertain situation I conceded, and agreed that it was perhaps best for Leo to stay in Cowes and be looked after by Trudy and Mum. I'm not totally comfortable with the idea but I guess it is, for now, in Leo's best interest. I have agreed to the proposal.

Mike's really not happy that I'm moving back in with Nikki but it's tough. I need to get things back on track. I'll still see him every other day when I meet up with him and Sci-Fi Cyn. I'm looking forward to moving back in with Nikki tomorrow. I'm not sure how she'll respond when I tell her Leo's staying in Cowes, but I suppose it is for the best - for now anyway. I suppose I also need to get a whole new wardrobe.

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now