Entry 1011: Thursday 4th July 2019

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Entry 1011
Thursday 4th July 2019

I met up with Sci-Fi Cyn and Mike in Sandown today at The Beach Café. I made them sit at the back of the café just in case Nikki walked past, but I lied and said that I just liked it at the back of the café. More lies! Another utilised infected turned up dead, resulting in yet another announcement from Blade.

Nikki and I were playing with Leo in the morning and I was doing all I could to avoid nasty stares from Nikki's f*cking evil cat, when Blade's voice once again appeared over the public address system. With Leo in my arms, Nikki and I once again stood on the front doorstep to listen more clearly to what Blade had to say. Natasha was once again stood on her doorstep listening too. She didn't look happy. It was like she was expecting bad news. "Ladies and gentleman," announced Blade, as his voice echoed across the island, "It is with deep regret and great frustration that I must announce that another utilised infected was again found killed early this morning on Cowes Beach. At the moment we have no idea who is responsible for these murders but once they are caught, and let me tell you they will be caught, they will be punished severely. After yesterday's announcement and the introduction of The Protection of Infected Act, I am disappointed that the laws have already been broken and that the rules have already been flaunted. This will not be tolerated and my staff and I will be looking into this. It is with regret that until further notice, the infected that are to be utilised in public areas will return to The Hive so they cannot be killed. I would like to make it clear that ALL of this is happening because islanders voted in the proposals. Killing the utilised infected in this way makes a mockery of the voting system. If anyone has any information about who may have killed the three infected please let me or my soldiers know. Thank you." I turned to Natasha, who didn't look happy and threw her a smug smile. "Well, that's wiped the smile off your face hasn't it?" I said with a smirk on my face, "Whoever is killing the infected was doing it so the infected would get locked up and it worked!" "This is a temporary measure," said Natasha, "It's more important that we care for the infected than risk their lives to utilise them." "Listen to yourself," I exclaimed, "Risk their lives!? They're already dead." "Luke, I'm not going to keep having the same conversation with you," said a firm Natasha, "They are not dead. They are infected. They're ill.  Yes, I want to utilise them so they can contribute to society, but I'm not prepared to see them being put at risk to do so. They'll be housed back in The Hive, but other infected will still be used at the power station to help generate power." "Maybe it's time to listen to what the people want," I said, "It's obvious people don't want the infected being utilised out in public." "No, Luke," said Natasha, "You're wrong. One person is going around killing the utilised infected. One person. That doesn't speak for the whole island. The voting system speaks for the island, and the QCUC proposals were voted in. The infected will be utilised again, and Jon will find out who is killing those poor people." Natasha then went back inside. "God," I said, "She's off her..." I was about to swear but then realised I had Leo in my arms. "... her flippin head," I continued, "Those poor people. They're rabid infected that would take a chunk out of your neck as soon as look at you. Poor people! The woman is deranged." I went back inside and felt rather smug that whoever this unknown vigilante was, they'd gotten one over on Natasha, and that for now, the infected would be in The Hive, instead of being on the beach.

I took Leo to see Sci-Fi Cyn and Mike. We all had a chat and cuppa at The Beach Café in Sandown and talked about Blade's recent announcement. "Luke," said a firm Sci-Fi Cyn, "If I hear you say one more bad word against Jon Blade, me and you are going to fall out." "You what?" I exclaimed. "Luke," said a firm Sci-Fi Cyn, "Jon looks really stressed. He is doing the best job he can and he's trying to cope with the stress, but it's a challenge. He hasn't got an easy job you know; trying to keep everyone happy. He doesn't like these stupid QCUC proposals you know?" "He could have fooled me," I said. "They were voted in," said Sci-Fi Cyn, "Now I know you don't like all these proposals... To be honest I don't really like them and if truth be told Jon doesn't really like them, but we are trying to turn this island into a civilised democracy. Before the outbreak people who voted Labour would complain when the Tories got in, and people who voted Conservative would complain when Labour got in, but it was a fair vote. That's democracy." "There's a difference," I said, "People who voted Labour or Conservative were making an informed choice. Most of the people on this island have never left the island since the outbreak happened. They've never experienced first-hand the damage the infected can do. They don't have the information needed to vote with logic. They're voting based on emotion." "So!?" exclaimed Sci-Fi Cyn, "Yes, OK, it's better to vote based on logic rather than emotion, but people vote based on what the Hell they want. Before the outbreak people might have voted for their preferred political party, but you're kidding yourself if you think they all made an informed choice based on logic. The outcome is the outcome and it's as simple as that." "Come on guys," said Mike, "Let's not fall out. We're having a nice chat and a cup of tea." "Well, I won't say anything about Blade," I said, "But that Natasha. My God. You should have heard her this morning; talking like the infected are poorly people that we should be looking after. Mad... bit... bird." I changed my wording from b*tch to bird as I was bouncing Leo up and down on my knee. "I do think it's bad and that they're looking after the infected like they're poorly individuals," said Mike, "If I had my way, I'd kill them all. That Natasha might think differently if she'd have had to survive on the mainland like we had to." "Natasha and her TITWANK lot have got too much power," I said, "And that Protection Of The Infected Act is a f*c... I mean... a flipping joke." "I know," said Mike, "Locking people up for killing infected. Going through that stupid four-point system thing before killing them. Getting into trouble for chucking insults at them. Madness." "Exactly," I said, "I bet the GRID soldiers aren't happy about having to look after the infected like invalids." "They're not," said Sci-Fi Cyn, "But they're professionals and they'll follow orders and do as Jon says." "Maybe we had it better on the mainland," said Mike. "Oh, come on Mike," said Sci-Fi Cyn, "You can't mean that." "We had a lot more freedom," said Mike, "We could kill the infected and slag them off without being worried about getting a slap on the wrist." "You also had to fight for your life, watch loved ones get killed and deal with ACROBAT hunting you down," said Sci-Fi Cyn, "Was that really preferable to living on an island with food, water, gas, electricity and running water?" "Sometimes, I wonder," I said.

I'm back at home now. I can't believe how much things have changed. I hardly see anyone, I've lost friends, I'm lying to my girlfriend, I live on an island where infected are treated like poorly invalids and we have legislation that says we have to look after them. I suppose the only good thing is that this mysterious vigilante person has killed three infected and made GRID and TITWANK lock the other infected back up in The Hive.

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now