Entry 982: Wednesday 5th June 2019

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Entry 982
Wednesday 5th June 2019

It's been an awkward sort of day.

After work I went round to Nikki's but she didn't answer the door. I banged on the letter box and called through asking her to let me in, but she didn't answer. I know she's probably still angry, but I don't know why she's taking it out on me. I haven't done anything wrong. I'm trying to put everything right. I won't bother Nikki. Maybe she needs a full day to be on her own and think about things. Auntie Meryl did say some pretty harsh stuff.

I met with Sci-Fi Cyn at Sails Café and we had a cuppa and catch up. I told her all about what happened with Nikki and Auntie Meryl. As I told the story I noticed that Sci-Fi Cyn's eyes widened and her eyebrows raised. "Why do you keep making that face?" I asked. "Oh, it doesn't matter," said Sci-Fi Cyn. "No, don't do that," I said, "If you've got something to say, then say it." "Luke, whenever I tell you what I think, recently, you seem to get angry," said Sci-Fi Cn. "Now, I definitely want to know what you're thinking," I said. "Luke, it just seems like you think Nikki can do no wrong," said Sci-Fi Cyn. "I never said that," I snapped. "Luke, I want to talk to you about this, but I don't want to talk to you about this if you're going to get angry." I took a breath and composed myself. "OK," I said, "Go on..." "Well," said Sci-Fi Cyn, "You haven't been in a relationship that long and Naomi doesn't like her, Mike doesn't like her, TJ doesn't like her, and your Auntie doesn't like her." "What's your point?" I asked. "Luke, my point is that prior to getting into a relationship with Nikki, you and these people had a healthier relationship than the one you have now." "That's not my fault," I exclaimed. "I didn't say it was," said Sci-Fi Cyn. "So, you're saying it's Nikki's fault?" I asked. "I'm saying that you and Naomi were close, and that even though your Auntie got on your nerves you'd never dream of her of talking to her like you did yesterday." "Cyn, what are you saying?" I bluntly asked. "Wriggly Worm," said Sci-Fi Cyn, "I am saying that perhaps it might be a good idea to sit down and think what you want." "I know what I want," I firmly said, "I want Nikki, "I don't want to sit here talking about Naomi and Auntie Meryl. I want you to give me some advice on how I can get Nikki to open her front door to me." "OK," said Sci-Fi Cyn, "My opinion for what's it worth is to give her space. That's what she's asked for, and let's be honest. She isn't backwards in coming forwards. When she is ready to talk to you, she'll let you know." I was grateful for Sci-Fi Cyn's advice, but it did feel that part of the conversation was her having a go at me and having a sly dig at Nikki. It just feels like everyone's having a go at me and Nikki, and to be honest I'm getting pretty sick of it. I'm starting to wish everyone would just f*ck off.

On the way back home from my catch up and cuppa with Sci-Fi Cyn I walked past Debbie Renninson. We didn't say anything to each other, but she gave me a strange look; an expression that looked a bit smug and patronising. Stupid cow.

The atmosphere in the house is very tense but I don't care. I haven't spoken to Auntie Meryl and Auntie Meryl hasn't spoken to me. I'm not bothered. She's the one in the wrong not me. Mum has even tried to get us to talk to each other by making jokes and small talks and suggesting we play games. That's not going to work. It's going to take more than witty puns and a game of Monopoly to sort this mess out, and as far as I'm concerned Auntie Meryl is the one who needs to put it right. Mum tried to sit me down whilst Auntie Meryl was out, but I told her I didn't want to talk. "You know I think Meryl is a crabby old bag," said Mum, "But I don't like seeing you both like this." "Well don't look then," I snapped. "Luke, I'm only trying to help," said Mum. "Well don't," I snapped, "I didn't ask you to. I don't want you to. In fact, keep your f*cking nose out of it. I think there's a few sailors down at the docks you haven't shagged yet. Go put your energy into that." "You're in a grumpy mood," said Mum, "Have a cup of tea and relax. I'll go see to Leo." "No," I said, "I'll go see to Leo. He's my son. Not yours. You can't make up not being there for me when I was a kid by being there for him." I stormed upstairs and sorted out Leo. I'm not sure why I was taking my anger out on Mum. She is one of the few people who haven't had a go at me or Nikki. I guess I just needed to get my anger out and she was there. Maybe I should say sorry.

I can't believe Auntie Meryl hasn't spoken to me, and I really can't believe she hasn't said sorry. She's walking around as if she is the one that's been hard done by. Stubborn old crow. If she doesn't say sorry to Nikki, I will NOT be happy.

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now