Entry 1009: Tuesday 2nd July 2019

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Entry 1009
Tuesday 2nd July 2019

A quiet day but Blade made rather an interesting announcement that piqued my curiosity...

If I was still working at The Hive, today would have been a non-working day for me, which meant I didn't need to continue to the charade of getting up early and making out to Nikki that I was going to work. Sadly, I will have to do that tomorrow.

The infected that were placed on the beach weren't there when me, Nikki and Leo had our afternoon walk, but the GRID lot will put them back there this evening as a "deterrent" for late swimmers. Madness!

Around 10am Blade made an announcement via the public address system. As soon as we heard Blade's voice, Nikki and I ran to the front door, opened it and stood on the doorstep so we could more clearly hear what Blade had to say. Natasha was also stood outside on her doorstep. "Ladies and gentleman," Blade announced, addressing the entire island, "As you will know, yesterday we began implementing QCUC procedure and utilising some of the infected that were stored within The Hive. A number of infected have been utilised to help generate power, some have been placed as security deterrents outside shops and supermarkets, and others have been placed on the beaches in Cowes and Sandown to deter late night swimmers. This morning when GRID personnel arrived at Cowes Beach to remove the infected, they discovered that one them had been killed." "What!?" exclaimed an angry and shocked Natasha. "The infected person," continued Blade, "Had been stabbed in the eye and the knife penetrated his brain, killing him. There was a sign hung around the infected man's neck that said 'KEEP THEM LOCKED UP OR ELSE'. I am extremely disappointed to see that the QCUC proposals that were voted in by islanders are not being respected, and an urgent meeting will be held today to decide what action will be taken in response to this incident. If the person responsible for writing the sign and killing the infected is listening to this announcement, I would like them to know that as Head of Safety and Security at GRID, I will NOT give in to threats like this. Let me make this very clear; such acts will not be tolerated, and if I find out who is responsible for killing the infected man, I will come down on them like a ton of bricks. If anyone has any information about this incident or saw anything suspicious last night on Cowes Beach, please inform a GRID soldier who will pass on your concerns to me. The infected will be placed on Cowes Beach and Sandown Beach tonight as per the QCUC proposals. An urgent meeting will take place today, and you will all be informed of the outcome of that meeting in due course. Thank you." "It was you wasn't it?" Natasha snapped at me, "You went to Cowes and killed that poor infected man." "No, it wasn't me," I snapped. "Come off it," said Natasha, "Jon has just said that the infected man was killed in exactly the same way you described to those three boys last night on Sandown Beach." "So!?" I loudly exclaimed, "The best way to kill an infected is through the eye and into the brain. Anyone knows that." "You sound like you know what you're talking about," said Natasha. "I do," I snapped, "I survived on the mainland by killing those things." "My God, it was you, wasn't it"?" said Natasha. "No, it f*cking wasn't," I snapped, "I'm not the only one who wants to see all the infected dead. I told you all this QCUC cr*p would cause trouble." "It's not my proposals that are causing trouble," snapped Natasha, "It's these vigilantes that need taking care of. Jesus, I can't believe Jon didn't come round to tell me about this." "Maybe you're not as important as you think you are," I said. Natasha grabbed her coat, put it on, shut her front door, locked it and then stormed off. "She's a moody cow," Nikki said to me, "I wonder who killed the infected in Cowes?" "Maybe it was Mike," I said, "I can see him doing it." "Mike?" said Nikki, "What are you bringing him up for?" "I'm just saying that I can see him gong all vigilante and killing the infected." "You told me you'd stopped seeing him," said a firm Nikki. "I have stopped seeing him," I said, "I'm just saying that acting like a vigilante and killing infected is the sort of thing I can imagine Mike doing. Doesn't mean I'm still seeing him. God!"

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now