Entry 1118: Saturday 19th October 2019

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Entry 1118
Saturday 19th October 2019

It all kicked off today! We're all currently in the underground bunkers with absolutely no idea about what's going on!

It all started early in the afternoon. Naomi and I had left the kids with Mum and Auntie Meryl, and we'd gone to Sails Café for our usual bi-daily catch up with Mike and Sci-Fi Cyn over a cuppa and a bit of cake. The four of us left the café, and as we walked out on to the High Street we looked up and gasped as the air was suddenly filled with the sound of the island's siren system. A handful of armed GRID soldiers who were stood outside Sainsbury's suddenly grabbed their guns and started sprinted down the High Street urgently talking into their radios as they did. Two other armed GRID soldiers aggressively walked towards me, Naomi, Mike, and Cyn. "GET TO THE BUNKERS!" they angrily yelled, "GET TO THE BUNKERS NOW!!" "It's fine," said Sci-Fi Cyn, showing the soldiers her GRID ID, "I'll deal with this." The two soldiers ran off leaving the four of us stood outside Sails Café with people running around in a panic, as the sound of the siren filled the air. "We need to get the kids and get to the bunker," Naomi assertively said to me. Sci-Fi Cyn took hold of her walkie talkie from her hip and listened to what GRID soldiers were saying to each other. "Code red at HQ," the panicked voice of a soldier said from Cyn's radio, "I repeat, code red at GRID HQ. Code red!" "At GRID HQ?" I gasped, "Does that mean there's been an outbreak inside GRID HQ?" "Look, I might be needed," Sci-Fi Cyn said in a firm tone, "You lot get to the bunkers." "We want to come with you," said Mike, "I'm in the mood for kicking the arses of some dirty infected piggies." "Why are we stood here talking!?" exclaimed Naomi, "We need to get the kids and get to the bunkers!" "Mike, just go with Luke and Naomi and get to the bunkers," Cyn firmly said, "I'll catch up with you all later. Stay safe." Sci-Fi Cyn went off running down the High Street. "Aaaaw," said a disappointed Mike, "I wanted to kick some arse." "I'll kick your arse if you don't move," said Naomi, "Come on, we need to get to the bunkers." The three of us started running as the siren continued to echo across the island. "Did you hear what that guy on Cyn's radio said?" I said to Naomi, as continued running towards Arctic Road, "If there's been an outbreak at GRID HQ, Eleanor and Kayleigh might have gotten out." "That's what I was thinking," said Naomi, as she continued running. "They're deep underground," said Mike, "They won't have been able to get free." "I hope you're right," I said to Mike.

Naomi and I ran into my house and started shouting for Mum and Auntie Meryl. No response. We quickly looked around the house and checked all the rooms. They weren't there. "Oh, God," gasped a worried Naomi, "They're not here." "Don't worry," I said, "They're probably on their way to the bunker. They might even already be there. Come on. That's where we need to be. Let's go." Naomi and I left my house, and we quickly ran down the road and made our way to the nearest bunker.

As we ran down the street, we were joined by other people with frantic looks on their faces as they also ran towards the bunker. With my heart thumping and my pulse racing I continued running down the street towards the bunker as the scary sound of the siren continued to blast across the island. After a few minutes Naomi and I arrived at the entrance to the bunker where two, armed GRID soldiers, were ushering people inside. Naomi and I quickly walked into the bunker and along with a few other islanders, we entered the lift and made our way underground to the depths of the bunker.

After a few moments the lift descended, and the sound of the siren vanished. A few moments later the lift stopped, the doors opened, and we exited the lift. Naomi and I immediately saw Mum and Auntie Meryl were with Leo and Sophie. The others were there too, TJ, Mike, Trudy, Primark, Ash, Roz, Richard and Madeline. Naomi and I ran over to the kids and gave them a kiss and huge hug. "You took your time getting here," said Mum. "We went back to the house to check on you," I said, as I cuddled Leo. "Well, we weren't going to stay there when the alarm went off were, we?" said Mum, "As soon as I heard that noise, I pulled my knickers up, got you the kids, sorted your Auntie and left that house quicker than sh*t leaves a shovel." "You pulled your knickers up?" said Naomi. "I know," said Auntie Meryl, "I was surprised too. She's usually pulling them down." "Were you on the loo?" asked Naomi. "No," said Mum, "I was entertaining a gentleman friend in the bedroom." "When she says entertaining, she means fornicating like a filthy slut," said Auntie Meryl. "'Ere Lynn," said TJ, "Did you do that thing with your tongue where you wrap it around..." "OK!" I loudly said, interrupting TJ, "That'll do. Let's just be glad that we're all here." "Well, we're not all, here are we?" said Roz, "Cyn's not here." "She went running towards GRID HQ," said Mike. "Yeah, well, she does WORK for GRID," I said. "It sounds like there's been an outbreak inside GRID HQ," said Mike. "How do you know that?" asked Trudy. "We heard one of the soldiers talking on Cyn's walkie talkie," said Mike. The problem was that a few other islanders who were in the bunker, heard what Mike said and everyone started to panic, asking questions about whether or not there had been an outbreak at GRID HQ and whether or not we were all safe. The panic quickly turned into hundreds of loud and angry voices, shouting, screaming, and demanding answers. The two armed GRID solder tried to calm everyone down, but it was to no avail. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! One of the GRID soldiers raised his machine gun in the air and fired a rapid burst of fire into the bunker ceiling. Everyone gasped, ducked, and dropped to the floor as silence fell and we all looked in a combination of terrified, and angry. The GRID soldier told us all to calm down and sit tight, and he said that he was sure we'd all be informed of what was happening soon.

That was a few hours ago. We're still underground and it's early evening now. The annoying thing is that NO ONE has told us what's going on. Tinsley hasn't made an announcement and the GRID soldiers who are down here with us having been able to shed any light. It looks like they don't really know what's going on either. Someone's going to need to tell us something soon. The soldiers will have a riot on their hands if we don't get any information soon. I heard a few men talking about overpowering the soldiers and stealing their walkie talkies and weapons. I really hope that doesn't happen. That's the last thing we need stuck down here all scared with no idea of what's going on.

Naomi and I spoke to Roz, Trudy, and Mike about what we heard on Sci-Fi Cyn's radio. "If what we heard on Cyn's walkie talkie is right," I said, "That means that Blade's partner Kayleigh and Helen's daughter Eleanor could have escaped from underneath GRID HQ, got up top and that's what all this is about." "Yeah, but that's really deep underground," said Trudy, "And there's a lift between the surface and the depth of GRID HQ, not to mention some sort of code swipe card thing." "Exactly," said Mike, "This will have nothing to do with the two infected under GRID HQ. It'll be something else." "What if you're wrong?" Roz said to Mike. "Well, there's not much we can do about it stuck down here," said Mike, "Anyway, if Kayleigh and Elanor have got free and that's what this is all about, the heat will be off of us and on Blade and Helen." "Mike, you're not thinking," I said, "It won't take long for Tinsley to figure out that Eleanor is Helen's daughter, so he'll quiz Helen, won't he? Helen might tell Tinsley that we knew Eleanor and Kayleigh and then Tinsley will come after us and we could end up getting chucked into The Hive." "Why would Helen grass us up?" asked Mike. "I don't know," I said, "But she might." "Look, we don't know anything at this point," said Roz, "There's no point in worrying about stuff we know nothing about and can't do anything about. We just need to sit and wait." "How long do we wait for?" asked Mike, "I still can't believe no one's made an announcement." "That's Tinsley for you," I said, "A f*cking psycho that doesn't give a toss about anyone but himself. He'll keep us waiting for as long as he wants." TJ then appeared and poked his nose in. "What you mother f*ckers talking about?" he said, "Guessing how many fingers I can fit in Elizabeth's Mum. "God, you're disgusting," said Roz. "Don't get jealous, Rob," said TJ. "It's Roz," said a firm Roz. "Whatever, Rob," said TJ, "Look, if you want me to stick my fingers in you, I don't mind. Might cure you of your lesbian-itus." "TJ, just f*ck off," said a firm Roz, "You could be the last man on the planet meaning that I'd have to have sex with you to continue the population, and I can honestly say I'd rather stand by and let extinction happen than let any part of your vile misogynist anatomy anywhere near me." "Are you wet?" TJ asked Roz. "Oh, for God's sake," said Roz, shaking her head and walking off. "What about you She Ra?" TJ asked Naomi, "Want some fingers inside you...again?" "TJ, I'm stood right here," I snapped. "Yeah, I know," said TJ, "Unlike your c*ck, I can see you." "Then stop telling my girlfriend you want to finger her when Ilm stood right here!" I snapped. "Oh, calm down Elizabeth," said TJ, "Anyone'd think you want my fingers inside you. I know I snogged you once gay-bo but don't go getting all hard remembering it."

The GRID soldiers told us that we would all be sleeping in the bunker tonight. This wasn't a great surprise, but there were still a number of loud disgruntled voices complaining. The complaining didn't get too rowdy. I think people had remembered the shock of seeing one of the soldiers fire his machine gun in the air. Once we got the kids settled, had some food, and picked our beds, we all started to calm down a bit.

I played a few games of snakes and ladders with Richard and Madeleine – which was rather painful as Madeline keep talking about her fanny aching and more annoying down-on-the-farm stories, and Richard just kept saying how much he dislikes snakes, ladders, board games and underground spaces. I had a good chat with Ash, and me and Naomi played with the kids as Auntie Meryl told Mum what a dirty scrubber, she was for acting like a "filthy Jessabelle" with a random man in her bedroom. It was all rather frustrating and a bit much to endure but part of me was glad that we were all together.

So, it looks like we're all sleeping here tonight. I do wonder what's happened at GRID HQ and more importantly I wonder when the Hell Tinsley is going to tell us what's going on. Mind you...Maybe he's dead. Maybe the infected got to him. God, that would put a big smile on my face. I suppose we all just need to wait to find out. I just hope we aren't waiting for too long. I hope Sci-Fi Cyn's OK too.

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now