Entry 1135: Tuesday 5th November 2019

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Entry 1135
Tuesday 5th November 2019

Me and Naomi have made up after our argument, and now all I want to do is get out of here and get back to the island.

I went upstairs to see Mia and when I walked into the stockroom, she looked like she was sweating a lot more than usual and trying to manage her pain. Seth was with her, holding her hand, stroking her arm, and rubbing her hair. "Oh God," I gasped looking at Mia. "It's OK," said Mia as she tried to breathe through the pain, "It looks worse than it is." "Seth, should you really be that close?" I asked. "I'm not leaving her," Seth firmly said. At that moment Naomi walked into the room. "Luke's right," Mia said, "I don't want to kill you, Seth." "You won't kill me sweetheart," Seth said as he ran his fingers through Mia's hair. I noticed how Naomi looked uncomfortable watching this. Just be careful," I said to Seth, "If her sweat gets into your blood..." I was about to say that Seth could die, but the way I was feeling at that moment, I was thinking it would be good to have Seth out of the picture. "I can look after myself," said Seth, "I can look after Mia too and right now that's what I'm doing." "Harold said her condition would get worse just before she goes into labour," said Naomi. "Naomi," said Mia, continuing to try and manage the pain, "I'm sorry I shouted, I'm sorry I had a go." "Oh, Mia, darling," said Naomi, "Don't worry about that now, just focus on looking after yourself." "No," said Mia, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I shouted. I'm sorry I said those horrible things to you. I'm sorry you found out about me and Seth. I'm really sorry. I just want us all to be friends." "Mia, it's OK," said Naomi. "Just focus on your breathing," said Seth. "Seth's right," said Naomi, "None of that stuff matters right now." "I don't want us all falling out," said Mia, "I... I want us all to get on. You two..." Mia pointed at me and Naomi. "You... You two need to... You need to make up. I'm going to need you both. This baby is going to...Going to... It's going to come soon, and I don't think I can do this without you. Please... Talk... Just talk, and make up." "Mia, don't worry about that," said Naomi. "No," gasped Mia, as beads of sweat ran down her faces and dribbled on to her neck, "Make up. You've got to make up. Please." Naomi and I exchange's awkward looks. "Maybe you two should talk to each other," said Seth, "Go on. It's OK. I'll stay with Mia. You two go and talk."

Naomi and I found ourselves stood in the stockroom next door enduring an awkward silence. After a while, Naomi spoke. "Well, speak then," she firmly said. "Why do I have to speak first?" I snapped. "Well, you wanted to come in here and talk," snapped Naomi. "Actually, I think you'll find it was Mia that wanted us BOTH to come in here and talk," I said, "So come on. Talk." "You talk," snapped Naomi, "You're the one acting like a d*ck." "I'm not acting like a d*ck!" I snapped, "You're acting like you're all heartbroken seeing your ex... If he even is your ex... All shacked up with someone else. I saw you Naomi. I'm not blind. I saw how you squirmed when you saw him holding Mia's hand and stroking Mia's face." "Yeah, OK," said Naomi, "It's weird. It is weird for me to see, but that doesn't mean I want to get back together with him and it doesn't mean I don't love you. Wasn't it weird for you when you first saw Caroline with Roz?" "Well, yeah, I suppose," I said. "Exactly," said Naomi, "It didn't mean you wanted to jump back into bed with Caroline did it?" "No," I said. "So, you should kind of know what it's like for me," said Naomi. "But I saw you hugging each other on the chemist shopfloor," I said. "Oh, so you're spying on me, now are you?" snapped Naomi." The door was open," I said. "It was nice to see him," said Naomi, "It was nice to see that he was alive instead of dead. We were talking. Come on, Luke, you must agree that we have a lot to talk about. We have a grandchild together. We were hugging each other to mark that it's over. We still care about each other, but we're over. Yeah, it's all a bit weird but he's with Mia and I'm with you. God, Luke, I love you but I wish you wasn't this insecure." "Well, what do you expect?" I said, "Look at Seth. Just look at him, big muscles, a gorgeous smile, a nice tan, killer abs." "It sounds like YOU want to be with Seth," said Naomi, "They're his words not mine," I said, "He's a handsome hunk with big muscles, and I'm just a podgy pr*t with a little nob." "Luke," said Naomi taking a step closer to me as she smiled and took hold of my hand, "Yeah, Seth does have muscles and abs and all that, but I want more than that." "Yeah, well I don't have any of that," I said, sounding depressed. "Well, you might be p*ssed off because you don't have those things, but I'm not. Seth and Mia are happy for us. We should be happy for Seth and Mia without feeling angry or intimidated."  "It's weird to say but they actually make a cute couple," I said "Yeah, I suppose they do," said Naomi, "And we do too." "You reckon?" I asked with a smile. "I do," said Naomi. She smiled, leaned in and we kissed. It was very nice. "We OK then?" I asked. "Well, we are if you stop behaving like a jealous insecure nob," said Naomi. "I'll try," I said, with a smile. "Touching," a blunt voice said. Naomi and I looked up and saw Harold standing in the door. "What is it with you just appearing out of nowhere?" I snapped, "Have you learned how to teleport or something?" "Harold you should be next door with Mia," said Naomi, "She's getting worse." "Yes, I've seen," Harold said bluntly, "Now, the three of us need to come up with a plan to get Mia out of here." "Oh?" I said, "So, now you're involving Naomi? I thought you wanted it to just be me and you?" "What do you mean?" asked Naomi. "Yesterday he was trying to convince me that if I helped him get rid of Seth that it would help me and you stop arguing and would help him get Mia out of here." "Don't look down your nose at me Luke Warm," snaped Harold, "You were interested in my offer." "What offer?" asked Naomi. "There wasn't offer," I said, "He was just trying to convince me that getting rid of Seth was a good idea." "And you were interested," said Harold. "Yeah, well maybe for a bit, I was," I snaped, But I'm not now." "Harold, no one is getting rid of anyone," I snapped, "But if you keep this sh*t up, WE will be the ones getting rid of you." "That would be a mistake," said Harold. "The only mistake we're making is putting up with your cr*p," said Naomi. "I know what's best for my daughter," said Harold, "If you won't help me, I'll do what I need to do on my own." "What you need to do is go in there and help your daughter, instead of playing all these games and trying to control things. You know Seth didn't make Blade bring you back here because Mia WANTS to go off anywhere with you. You're just needed to help with the birth. Once that's done, no one, including Mia will want you here." "We had a deal," said Harold, "We agreed that you'd help me out there on the streets if I helped you get back to the island." "Deal's off," said Naomi, "We don't need you. We can look after ourselves." Naomi and I left the stockroom leaving Harold looking rather angry. Tough! He can suck on it! Manipulative controlling, lying b*stard!

Blade has been putting pressure on Joan and Michael to tell him where Seth has put his men, but they've assured him they don't know where he is, and Seth just keeps repeating that he'll tell Blade where the soldiers are AFTER Mia gives birth.

I am so glad that Naomi and I have made up but I'm really worried about Mia. She keeps shouting out in pain. Joan, Harold and Seth are sat with her and doing all they can but sitting down here and doing nothing is making me feel really bad. It's like I should do something, but as Michael says there is nothing I can actually do until Mia starts to give birth, and even then, there's not much I can do. I just don't like to hear her suffering and crying. F*cking Harold! This is all his fault for putting that bl**dy weird E7 virus thing inside her. I just want this baby to be born so at least Mia's pain stops. Mind you, it might be that her physical pain is replaced with emotional pain. It depends what state the baby comes out in.

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now