Entry 1140: Sunday 10th November 2019

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Entry 1140
Sunday 10th November 2019

We are STILL – STILL, stuck on this bl**dy cargo ship!

If I play one more card game with Naomi and Michael, I think I might just have to throw myself overboard.

Endo has assured us that we are making our way back to The Isle of Wight and that he is now steering the ship in the right direction. It's a relief to hear but I still don't trust him.

I'm really missing Leo. I'm even missing Mum and Auntie Meryl's bickering. I wish there was some way we could get in touch with them.

Mia's in a mood with me, Naomi and Michael. She's hardly said a word to us all day, and has spent most of her time with Harold up top. Part of me is in a mood with her for being in a mood with us and spending more time with Harold than us, but then again, I suppose he did save her daughter and she has heard us slagging off Harold, and exploring the possibility of killing her baby. Oh, I don't know! Maybe when we get back to the island, everything'll sort itself out.

I'm glad we've decided to ration the food. If we carry on as we are I think we have enough rationed food and water to last for about four days...

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now